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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Good day, I wished to ask if anyone has the whole archive-collection of Marxist.org (would be best if it is only in english) in a torrent and if they could send to me so i can save it in a portable HHD in any case there would be need for it later in the world and also for my personal use to read on

If not that's ok, and thank you in advance



>any case there would be need for it later in the world
Marxism is a science, even if all Marxist works were lost, someone would figure it out again. You can't "lose" Marxism any more than you can lose math or physics.


I'm not an expert but I don't think there's any easy torrent out there. The MIA themselves used to sell CDs and HDDs with the whole archive on them, but those days are done. The problem is that once it became viable to host PDF files the size of the archive just exploded in size compared to HTML text files. So the MIA has a complete set of high resolution scans of both the standard and New York edition of the Daily Worker, 365 issues a year for decades, that alone takes up I think hundreds of gigabytes. With that said, very, very few people will ever read every single issue.

Compared to that, the biggest name authors are still mostly text based. The entire Marx and Engels archive for example is still less than one gigabyte. So I think if you just want the biggest names you can assemble what would be a huge, bookshelf-bending collection of reference material without much trouble.

PS: If you do so try to grab the material off of https://marxists.architexturez.net/archive/ instead of marxists.org, the mirror didn't go along with that bullshit copyright strike on the MECW.

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