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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Bros. Theories of Surplus Value is SO FUCKING GOOD.

Marx LAYS DOWN THE FUCKING LAW and elaborates on the physiocrats, Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Malthus, and all the other classical political economists that reactoids like to pretend Marx never read.

It was supposed to be volume 4 of capital but Neither Marx nor Engels finished it. Karl Kautsky was the first to publish it from Marx's notes, but his edition is out of print and incredibly rare. David Riazanov (Ryazanov) of the Marx–Engels Institute in Moscow bought Marx's notes from the German government before they went full fash and published Theories of Surplus Value, but he was purged by Stalin.

It's definitely worth a read. Because its content is mostly historical, it's almost as fun as Capital volume 1, and less dry than volumes 2 and 3.


I'll give a look at it, thx anon


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