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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I do not care about the /leftypol/ mob, I love reading Thomas Piketty.
>waaaah but his solutions are too soft
Blah blah blah. The thick of his work, 99% of it, is just compiling and analyzing heaps of data, which he does exceptionally well.




It's not bad but I'm suspicious of anyone promoting him. I've seen techbro entrepreneurs have Picketty capital book on their desk.


I only read Capital in the 21st Century by him, and I don't think I even finished it because of the amount of repetition and redundancy.
Nonetheless, I agree he's an interesting and even useful writer. At the end of the day he's describing the gradual accumulation of wealth and growth of inequality through mainstream economics language, which might not be new to marxists but is an additional tool at the very least.
When talking to people who are not socialists about the world I often find myself referencing him, which is harder to do with marxian economists.


>The thick of his work, 99% of it, is just compiling and analyzing heaps of data
wow sounds dumb

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