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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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 No.20240[View All]

I couldn't find any left-com threads in the catalogue so I decided to make my own.

Also, can we get some flags to differentiate between the only 3 left-com internationals? The current left-com flag is that of the PCInt and Bordigism.
I suggest for Damenites use the ICT logo and for the whatever ideology the ICC is use the guy with the hammer.
I know the council coms have a pancake flag but I think the logo on the council-communist reader goes hard. Just a thought.
95 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Hello there
I've always liked leftcoms even though I think you're wrong
Anyway some epater to the denizens of this thread

to keep it bumping


I can say with full confidence than more leftcoms and "ultras" have read Left-Wing Communism: an Infantile Disorder than the "marxist-leninists" who reference it as a thought-terminating cliche


Why Thailand isn't communist

1. Concessions.
The previous King of Thailand, King Rama IX came to power after King Rama VIII (who was only 11) died under mysterious circumstances. King Rama IX, or King Bhumibol, was a populist. He was the first King to really acknowledge the struggle and poverty that most Thais endure especially in rural areas. He started many programs to raise the productive forces (yes I'm using that term, no it does not mean I support monarchy) in the Thai countryside. Most notably teaching the farmers how to grow and process silk so that they could have more selling power. My Dad used to tell me that my grandfather was a socialist and a Monarchist, but it's just that it's only for the specific monarchy that he supports.
So as this is going on, there is in fact a communist insurgency going on. This period was from about the 1950s-1980s. While they did have an armed struggle with the communists, much of which was lead by the then Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn, King Bhumibol made many concessions to the communists. You can listen to him talk about it in an interview here:
He was very charismatic and talented in the arts. So it is not hard to see how he became popular. Eventually, his charisma would win out and in the 80s, the CPT jungle maoists would give up their insurgency having been pacified. They were never killed off.
Note that two years ago there were mass protests in Thailand over monarchy reforms. The maoists never showed up.
Also I still think the Milk Tea Alliance was an op.
2. Authoritarianism
Thailand is authoritarian. That is the most simple way I can put it, it is more authoritarian than the DPRK. You do not understand what a cult of personality is until you've seen portraits of the King everywhere you go. Lese-majeste will get you thrown and prison and shanked. Thai communists get shot trying to escape across the Mekong. Hue and cry over East Germany, I don't want to hear shit if you don't know about Thailand. Everybody knowssl the Tiananmen Square Massacre, yet nobody knows about the Thammasat University Massacre which had a similar number of casualties. The story is that some students recreated photos of police killing two labor activists, one of the students remarked (probably over the radio) that one of the victims looked like Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn, the Thai Royal Army was sent in, escalation occured, and hundreds of students and communists were slaughtered and lynched. We even have our "tank man equivalent" of a man getting lynched and beaten with a chair.
There even used to be a "Che Guevara" of Thailand. He was a poet named Jit Phumisak who got shot in the chest in the northeast Isaan region (the jungle).
If the media gave half as much attention to authoritarianism in their little puppet as it does in the DPRK things might look very different…
But they won't, and this post won't change anything either. It will all be lost to the void like it always does, and the status quo will take over again, and corruption will run rampant. The people of Thailand have become so used to this that they have simply given up fighting.
3. Culture
One time my Dad sat me down and told me what his Grandfather told him. "Never trust a Thai person". We think we're special because we were never colonized. And in a country that is basically coated in gold, it reflects our attitudes very well. All we care about is getting that bag. It's the reason my Dad was a Reaganite in the 80's. It's for these reasons that it makes sense why the Thai people elected Pita. He's a young capitalist that says "it's ok to be corrupt as long as you play by the rules." He's the new kid on the block, the hungry new money. He is what many Thai people aspire to be, sometimes living under the humiliation of poverty makes us idolize the sauce and "become lost in it".

Honestly I probably could stretch this post out longer but I'm happy with the length, this should give you a pretty good idea as to why Thailand tragically never fell in the domino effect. The communist insurgency was once powerful and forced many concessions, but they were slowly pacified eventually many of them became royalists themselves. It's too late for us now bros, we're ngmi.

I'll leave you with a song by Jit Phumisak, "Starlight of Faith". Which reflects an historical truth, that the far-right will always appropriate from the far-left. This song was written by a communists and it is now sung by all political groups including the yellow shirts. The lyrics are about the humiliation of poverty, and how the stars and the sky look down on us indifferently…


Posted your video on Twitter, someone else made this gem.


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these parts are fucking creepy.


I don't know. Isolated, it could be read that way; within the pamphlet, it reads like part of a joke that only the parents could potentially understand, although most parents wouldn't get it either. Children won't understand it, so I'm not exactly sure who the audience is supposed to be.

My guess would be "other communists," and that this pamphlet was never actually distributed except perhaps as a joke to other people on the left.


bump, based thread


So far the leftcom posts ITT have only been soapboxing
Can you guys reply to each other so that a dialogue can get going?


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That's actually quite smart in some ways
Every country ever occupied by the Soviet Union after liberation from the Nazi menace would have automatically ascended to membership in the union

Would that soviet union have one in the first place though?


Then I'm all for it


<"Informal" party "revolutionary" (eschatological-idealist) immediatism, tactics that have never worked in the history of class struggle
>I'm all for it


who are you quoting




Did I stutter


>They did some work in BLM and Yellow Vests
No they didn't. Show proof.


As an anarchist, an ML, and an opportunist, i beg of you ultras; please teach /leftypol/ how to read books again ;-;


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Are you angry that leftcoms are doing more than you? It's not hard you know, to do more than worshiping faraway bourgeois dictatorship and traditions of dead generations on the internet that is. If it's a genuine question then you can read Hinterland of Phil Neel to get a feel of what these sort of groups are thinking and doing in the US, and Soulèvement from Mirasol for France.


Hinterland is a favorite among the current crop of CPUSA members too


Good, may they start attaching themselves only to your projects and not ours!


>Posts le theory and no proof that these people ever actually influenced any social change in a mass of people ever at all
I don't think you comprehend what you responded to. Either that or you constructed a particularly subtle type of ironic reply…


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can any of you recommend like a short youtube video or a pamphlet that actually explains your beliefs as someone who knows little about left-comism
furthermore, how exactly do you plan to bring about revolutionary change? politics, direct action? is it true left coms refuse to do anything in case that means working with people who might not be ideologically as pure as you?


>is it true left coms refuse to do anything in case that means working with people who might not be ideologically as pure as you?
I don't know much about left-coms eitherbut I hear that about every sect, can't imagine left-coms being anymore aggregious in that regard.


Idk about BLM though I have seen some afro-identiarian texts with a clear communization influence around that time but comrades that could be called ultraleft had a substantial influence on the Yellow Vests in various regions:
It really depends on the group. Hardline Bordigists tend to be like that but other groups are much less sectarian and the groups I work with use the slogan "anarchists for communism, communists for anarchy" and often involve ourselves in heterogeneous protest movements as long as they are class-oriented and seem to contain the potential to be nudged into a more radical direction. This is, of course, without joining any sort of coalitions with leftist unions or parties.


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Have an old screencap

Honestly most 'ultras' these days aren't part of a specific tendency, but boil down to people who have actually read Marx, and advocate for economic and social revolution (and not just reformism or death to Amerikkka).


>Which is precisely the problem, you hold on to Marx dogmatically
No, we uphold and defend the intransigent revolutionary program of the global proletariat steadfastly
>Marx’s original ideas were improved upon by Lenin, who’s contributions were further refined by Stalin, then Mao then Deng and finally Xi
"improvement" meaning gradual rejection of everything revolutionary in the name of developing the capitalist productive forces of the nation-state


And that's why communizers like Neel, Clover, the Endnotes people, etc. are so interesting, because they're actually analyzing current conditions of global capitalism, understanding and moving on from the 20th century and proposing new strategies for the current moment. Those strategies are worthy of criticism, but it's better than the Trot/ICP/Maoist sectlets that are regurgitating century old theory.


What does communalists think of Cockshott and cybersocialism?


We're not interested in nation building. Communist revolution will be globalist in character or it will not be.


One lil problem: CO2



Bitch ass blogspot says capitalism isn't adecuate to deal with climate change. Yes. It has nothing to do with what I said. Energy use of humanity must be at least limited.


Wasn't intending to refute your point there. Clearly abolishing markets and thus competing firms would vastly reduce CO2 emissions
We're a lot more anti-national than the Trots. Sorry but I don't feel like debating with you. We're just not on the same page at all.


>leftcom thread
>hammer and sickle
every time


Real redpill is realizing that thirdies cant reduce carbon emissions until america decides it doesnt need millions of poop emoji pillows and football team support shirts every time there's a new football season. Impossible to reduce production without reducing demand


demand doesnt drive production


well, that plus america holding a gun to the head of every other country, which further incentivizes development in ones aspiring to (keep) sovereignty
in capitalism a market that can be profitably sold to does drive production…


What did this retard mean?
Are you aware various left com parties use the hammer and sickle symbol? That it's used by basically all communists?


Yeah. It must be a coordinated decission made by a hopeful united world


Those poop emoji pillows and football team support shirts are driving the growth of industrial production in the developing world. Cutting it back would cause a massive economic contraction in the global south.


Damn, if only we had another economic system in mind that wouldn't be based on commodities.


What's /Ultra/'s take on Angry Workers?
I'm just starting to read this book and some of their earlier texts and so far I'm impressed! They have a lucid boots-on-the-ground analysis of the potential and of the difficulties for modern day labor organizing outside the limitations of unions, with an eye to building autonomous class power.
Should we all move with our tightest bookclub homies to go work in a factory town? Is this leftcom praxis for the 21st century?



It’s 2023, not whatever newsboy cap fantasy world you inhabit fucktard


> The Trots already have Nazi Germany as a shining example of their beliefs


Definitely one of the more useful contemporary communist texts, and definitely a good read for anyone interested in organizing.

The fact that both institutional labor organizers and ICP fossils have criticized them means they're definitely doing something right.


>marx failed to consider that poop emoji pillows keep the third world employed

its over commiesisters….


this is the only good non-ml & non-ccru theory thread currently


>wikipedia link

sorry buddy, no wikipedia.


>ultra-leftists (anarcho-councilists, communizers, rewilders, tiqqunists)

anymore like them ?


Can we elaborate on the likeness, distinction between
1. demcent and orgcent
2. Leninism and Stalinism
from the POV of ICP/Bordiga's contribution / critique?

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