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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Is VEGANISM a good thing?

>A vegan diet is based on plants (such as vegetables, grains, nuts and fruits) and foods made from plants. Vegans do not eat foods that come from animals, including dairy products and eggs.

There is veganism for health reasons, for environmental reasons (meat production causes more carbon emissions than plants), and for ethical reasons (animal cruelty). IMO from a marxist perspective the environmental reasons are the most compelling since decarbonization will need to be planned and this probably will include a reduction in the production of animal products.

However veganism is also widely mocked and associated with liberal hipsters.

what is the proper materialist take on VEGANISM??


The people who eat meat should be able to eat meat, the vegan people should be able to not make meat and eat more vegetables, simple as, the vegan dichtomy is a spook


Veganism will be mandatory under socialism


There’s such a thing as plant based protein even potatos have a little protein anon


national "socialism," that is


>veganism is fascist



>what is the proper materialist take on VEGANISM??

Diets are not revolutionary.


great OP anon. Maybe your friday struggle session can be as divisive as the vegan threads on hexbear. wtf is the point of this chatgpt thread


i think its more about environmental planning under future-socialism than individual lifestyle anon


I mean even then how are you gonna stop people from eating meat? I think you'd have an easier time just forcing whiteoids to eat bugs instead


>wtf is the point of this chatgpt thread
It's called Sliding, anon.


>health reasons
Absolutely not. Your body needs meat. Vegetable substitutes are not as good as vegans want to think they are.

> environmental reason

It's lifestylism. You will not make an impact unless you literally want to and can force most people to adopt it.

> what is the proper materialist take on VEGANISM??

Focus on industrial pollution. Veganism is like trying to address a flood by fixing a leaking tap.

>>veganism is fascist

No, forcing everyone to comply with your ideology is the fascist sentiment here.


*Yes, Veganism is fascism and I’m dumb for thinking otherwis.


I knew a lot of people who went vegan in the late 2000s-early 2010s, specifically due to animal rights, climate activism, and counter-cultural shit in general.

Most of those people have long since reverted to being omnivores. Veganism isn't for everyone and can lead to long-term health effects even if "done correctly". Iron and vitamin D deficiencies are very common among vegans as are lack of calcium.


A lot of vegans will lie by claiming broccoli has more protein than beef, even though you have to eat a fuckton of broccoli to get the same amount of protein as you'd get by eating a roast beef sandwich.


Veganism was extremely popular among proto-fascists and traditionalists in the early 20th century.


The simple fact is that if you want to protect civilization, you have to make it as efficient as possible. and the most efficient animals are herbivores. Civilization is already herbivore (agriculture) but we waste a significant ammount of plant matter farmign stupid ass meat which is an energy sink.


Veganism is necessary. More than half of the megafauna left on Earth (animals that weight more than 40 kg) are farm animals. That is insane. It destroys entire ecosystems and make us dependable on a few species of animals that are grown close to each other in horrible conditions that make pandemics more likely. Those pandemics can (AND WILL) decimate farm animal populations and create hunger.
We have been artifically selecting plants for thousands of years to have more proteins, be more energetic, have fat and more. We should seize that opportunity.


political veganism is reactionary
that said, there are many good reasons to move toward vegan industry, primarily climate ones and also shortening the working week

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