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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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What's the best way to get contemporary economics statistics without having to pay for websites like Statista or OEC.world? Are there annually released books I should be looking for on Libgen?


bump. seriously interested in this question. been thinking about fucking around with economics simulations but I require statistical sources to compare against.


Get them from the same source those sites get them from? Look at the imf and world bank.


Generally governments have a statistics bureau that is public.

I'm assuming the websites mentioned collate these?


*that publishes statistics


>I'm assuming the websites mentioned collate these?


Just make shit up, that's all the so-called "economists" do.


not the good ones


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So Paul Cockshott, in one of his older Youtube videos, mentions that each country maintains input-output tables which can be used to make/simulate macroeconomic trends in the style of a Marxist reproduction schema. When I go to the US bureau of labor statistics though, their tables are arcane as fuck. In some spreadsheets (1963-1997), they label each economic sector with an integer, and it's not clear which integer belongs to which sector. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to read these. Others are labeled more clearly. Others have broken links. It's totally bizarre. Also the '63-'97 data is temporarily unavailable in XLSX format anyway.



governments publish these, sometimes in the form of a public API that you can query. the data is usually very convoluted though, so you have to do some cleanup work

the input-output table meme needs to stop, it's a terrible abstraction. cockshott is astrology for leftist comp-sci midwits


>the input-output table meme needs to stop, it's a terrible abstraction. cockshott is astrology for leftist comp-sci midwits
ok… what should people be looking into instead? Do you want people to get frustrated and give up? Every time I try to look into anything or learn anything some negative asshole says no it's not worth it, it's just a meme for midwits, yada yada yada. What the fuck is actually useful then?! You tell us!


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>the input-output table meme needs to stop, it's a terrible abstraction.
It's not an "abstraction." If anything it's a more concrete version of Marx's reproduction schema, which is meant to represent macroeconomic trends. Both the input-output table and Marx's reproduction schemas are descended from the Physiocrat François Quesnay's Tableau économique. Marx didn't have access to spreadsheets or programming languages like R, or really much rigorous training in statistics, so it's shocking that he did as well as he did with limited resources. Modern Marxian economists attempting to simulate macroeconomic trends and monitor the changing organic composition of capital in a national or international economy would do well to reference input-output tables. In the input-output table is everything you need for a reproduction schema in the style of Marx, because you have statistics for capital and labor per industry, including cross-pollinating capitals across industries. You can consolidate these industries into Marx's "departments" (1 means of production, 2a necessities, 2b luxuries/armaments). You can track the rate of exploitation and the rate of surplus value this way. You can find out how much capital per industry is going to wages versus profit. You can find out how much labor the economy is wasting on the production of non-necessary goods versus necessary goods and means of production.


Books that publish data, or academic articles, either open source or pirated.

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