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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Recommend me general book about what lead to russia/ukraine war and palestine/israel war, some totally objective description from the beginning to now, so i understand whats going on now. I bought Paul Johnson book "Modern Times" (i know he is rabid anticommunist, didnt knew that when i bought it), its funny how hateful he is, but reading his chapter on Palestine/Israel even he mentioned that jewish terrorist groups were actually responsible for the first acts. I dont want specifcally "communist historian" books either. Objectively state of the facts, without unneccessary commentary would be fine for me - but i would like book like "20th century modern history" like Johnson wrote - so from bird view eye, entire 20th century, doing some broad analysis idk, just more objective.Pic unrelated i dont know what to post rn


i said i dont want it but feel free to recommend "20th century history" from marxist perspective if yoyu know that kind of book

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