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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Hey /siberia/

I always wondered why does Geography get looked down on by engineers and programmers

Like it's only let's say half a social science

But the other half concerning landscapes, resources, weather, etc. including maps (believe it or not measuring physical stuff is not the domain of social sciences) is 100% a natural science

To be honest even outside STEMbros I've noticed regular PMC and petty-bourgeoisie types being disdainful towards anyone with even a passing interest in Geography, god forbid studying it

Why is this the case?


I always hated the kids who knew all the capitals of countries



I did not notice this. I'm a "software engineer" and my only problems with geography how humiliating it was in school to have to go out to the map and fail to find something on the map in front of everyone.


Idk. I remember the tewchers sometimes playing the game where you name the capitals and i was always bad. My sister knew the capitals too and it annoyed me.
Even now i am very bad at geography and it makes me feel very uncultured and "white", in the bad way. Like only knowing one language type of white.


>I did not notice this
You have noticed that STEMbros , particularly of the engineering and programming variety, look down on social sciences. You have noticed that Geography, for whatever reason, gets lumped in with social sciences even though it is only about half of a social science. Why does it get lumped in with social sciences by these types?


because its boring


there's only so much you can cram into your head. shouldn't feel bad. people have different talents and interests for a reason.


Geography is just a snapshot. Geology is the whole movie.


stembros are just fucking annoying pricks what dont they hate


>Geography, for whatever reason, gets lumped in with social sciences
I did not notice this. But if I had to guess, it might be because people think knowing the main export of Uzbekistan is geography.


>people think knowing the main export of Uzbekistan is geography.
economic statistics for geographical regions are the domain of economics but also receive cross-disciplinary study under geography


> by engineers and programmers
I was abt to say at least my portion of STEMtism(Ecology/Biology) you kinda have to like or at least be knowledgeable about biogeography and even human geography If you intend on doing field research. pretty difficult to study an organism with no distribution map. Not to mention a ton of time and research went in to just creating accurate range maps of various organisms. Like I said earlier there's literally an entire subfield of Biogeography. I honestly couldn't tell why those mfers don't like geography but in my personal experience Biology doesn't have chronic STEMtism beliefs as much as other fields. If I had to guess why its partially cuz Biology quite literally forces you touch grass and successful conservation work almost always engages the masses with research and conservation and requires interacting with public as equals. Also another anon made a great point on a previous thread that in Ecology where everything is connected to eachother and can't be understood as discrete and atomized individuals at all. This is completely contradictory to many of the capitalist brainworms seen in college educated types. Thats not to say Biology is some bastion of leftist thought(if anything its a bastion of naive liberals who still think we can reform our way out of climate change and that compromise with the capitalists is even on the table) but many of the core conceits of Biology like believing in evolution and climate change and Ecology as a field can gatekeep the fuck out chinlets and STEMlords who think they're above it all. Maybe they dont fw social sciences cuz they think they're too smart for people in general so why would they waste there precious time studying them. Most of people I met that fit the whole STEMlord archetype are p misanthropic and have a fox and sour grapes attitude towards socializing so I wouldn't be suprised if this colored there perception of social sciences.


Remember when Newton became the president of the Royal Society, it was seen as a triumph of real science (geometry) that understands, over fake science (naturalists) who just collect and categorize stuff.


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Any source or statistic? Or are you just going off feels?


Wait, is this the origin of the quote "all science is either physics or stamp collecting"?


I'm literally in an argument right now with some engineer who thinks geography is exclusively a social science and useless. Not even linking the wiki article for physical geography is helping. Absolute maximum brainworms.


bruh what, I damn near facepalmed. I guess physics majors have always had a god complex, once had I guy try to explain to me that a sufficiently powerful computer would be able predict everything on organism does and is going to do(like literally down to a cellular/metabolic level) through probability and thats why biology is just a subfield of physics. To this day I don't know how you could seriously believe that lol.


It, like social science, is terribly taught in school.
Never had a geography class for instance, just whatever was in history class, which 4 years of history class was learning a very incomplete picture of America, TWICE.

>To be honest even outside STEMbros I've noticed regular PMC and petty-bourgeoisie types being disdainful towards anyone with even a passing interest in Geography, god forbid studying it

Because little job opportunity = value of studying it.

That sounds insane, until you realize that studying geography means you will take on a massive debt for something that might not even give you a job.
Obviously society needs geography to run, but such thought is not given when the country is so individualistic.


We can't even observe individual atoms, all our knowledge of atoms comes from trial and error experiments, yet this nigha thinks he can somehow get that information into a computer. Or is the computer going to invent that information itself? Lmao
Forget atoms. BIOCHEMISTRY. We don't know shit. It's all guesswork through trial and error. "Anatomical" depictions of biomolecules are pure fantasy that only exist to more easily be conceptualized for students, for graduates they are of absolutely ZERO value because they have nothing to do with reality.
What is the computer predicting again? The next retarded statements of its creator? At least we're getting there.


He told me the computer would be able to predict basically anything abt an organism(next movements,what it was gonna eat next,how it would behave,etc) by somehow calculating each biochemical process in its bodies,all the shit the cells are doing and so on through running simulations????? Just complete dunning krueger where bro just assumed his knowledge in one field applied to everything else perfectly.


are you actually retarded? since when do anecdotes count as evidence? You are making me side with the ""engineer"" you are talking too because you don't know what counts evidence.


I have never heard an engineer and/or programmer criticize or even comment on geography as a field. Where is this coming from?


Probably because geography is categorized as social sciences? Generally speaking. I know this explanation doesn't make sense but so does the question


This is /siberia/ idiot


I feel like this site has a hate boner for engineers or something this isn't the only thread Ive seen where people complain about engineers.


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It's because they are incels.


thats probably because there is a impression that many engineers or STEM are insufferable Lolbert's.


It's just one guy (me).


Found this
>Geography le bad because gommunism


tell that to moralistic pedagogical masters


I can't really blame them for having a God complex at the time of Newton, that shit was crazy.


>Social sciences bad
>No, I will not learn skills outside of my field of expertize
>Natural sciences can LITERALLY answer ANYTHING, philosophy is useless and cringe
>My field requires big brain therefore my field is superior
>Why don't you use maths as often? Maths are clearly superior to English


Geography can get in the way of certain projects being practical / logistically viable, and that means baing told no by someone that isn't their higher up.
It's only when someone knows geography that they encounter this issue, so knowing geography is Woke; because when truth is known, the truth has a monopoly on being the truth, while if the truth is discarded, then many 'truths' may compete with eachother in a marketly manner.


yeah thats true at least back then it was some real groundbreaking shit they must've been so hype


I don't think this is a generalized thing, but even if it was, who cares. Programmers have had their brains scrambled up trying to reconcile how socially useless their job is vs how well-compensated it is

t. programmer

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