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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Was it proto-Christcom?


Ummm sweatie that was just state capitalism like the USSR because the state acted as a substitute for the bourgeois class in its enforcement of property ownership.

Joking aside i always though that these guys were like Victorian era Christian ISIS but they were surprisingly a bit progressive in social policies. I also heard the Taiping had Buddhists and other religious people fighting for them too.


> The sexes were rigorously separated 26) There were separate army units consisting of women only; until1855, not even married couples were allowed to live together or have sexual relations.
Based. Taiping was actually existing revcel


how was the no SEXOOOOOOO -policy enforced?


maoism's true ideological ancestor


ISIS are western funded reactionaries, the Heavenly kingdom was nothing like them. It was very progressive for its time promoting rights for women, banning opium and socializing all land. The Taiping rebellion was a rebellion against western imperialism and Qing oppression, that's why Chinese communists held it in high regard. It deserves my respect.


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