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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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When I got to Kant, I couldn't understand a thing, not a single thing: "transcendental idealism," "numena," "phenomena," "antinomies," "categories"-they all danced in my head like mysterious monsters. I grasped some of what Kant said about "man as an end in himself" and the "categorical imperative." But this categorical imperative looked to me like a cold piece of intestine, which you could fill with whatever you wanted, there was nothing living or vital here, nothing that would give a living answer to living questions.
Or maybe, it's just that I don't understand. Maybe my own intestine is too frail, maybe I'm not up to it. The pages of the book seemed to me an elaborate code I would never be able to decipher.


Try reading a German idealist whose ideas u grasp and then come back to it


Especially texts that are engaging with Kant


here comes the circus!


Don't bother understanding it. You'll only be trying in vain to understand basic and obvious truths contained within a gigantic mess of utter schizophrenic nonsense. You may as well read ancient scripture.


>Don't bother understanding it. You'll only be trying in vain to understand basic and obvious truths contained within a gigantic mess of utter schizophrenic nonsense. You may as well read ancient scripture.
Lol how I feel about every wanna be prophet Euro philosopher who makes up pages of jargon..


Read a secondary text first maybe?


Lmao this exactly


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>When I got to Kant, I couldn't understand a thing, not a single thing: "transcendental idealism," "numena," "phenomena," "antinomies," "categories"
This but with Hegel

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