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Do you guys have any books that highlight the cleverness of Soviet warfare in WW2 that dispute the Zerg rush narrative of the West? As far as I know the allies had all of their information of what was going on on the eastern front from Germans who overembelished their military prowess and downplayed those of the Soviets.


You should probably check out David M. Glantz's works, since he was one of the first western historians to combat the whole zerg rush human waves narrative. I also found Stalin's Keys to Victory by Walter Dunn to be a really interesting read, dealing with everything related to soviet military prowess.


Thank you so much


there are documented instances of sexual violence, including rape, committed by Soviet soldiers against German civilians, including women and girls, during World War II. As the Red Army advanced into German-occupied territories, particularly in the later stages of the war, incidents of sexual violence occurred.


Whatever the conclusion of that is would have to be 10 fold in the case of the German atrocities, since they raped around 20 million women and even systematized their rape through sex slavery, while the Soviets raped 2 million. Tough luck, then don't start a war rooted in colonialism and racial supremacy.



do you get paid to post garbage like this or you just have severe brainrot?


Even worse, he does it for free because he's a literal NPC.


none of these points you made are based on facts and just spewing shit like enemy at the gates, a movie, is a documentary.


>The barbarism of the Soviet occupying forces can best be judged by the fact that many thousands of Hungarian men were raped or forced to unnatural excesses by Russian women soldiers. The Reds established a recreation camp near Kecskemét for more than thirty thousand sick and convalescent women members of the Soviet army and the police forces. From this camp, for instance, the Russian women banded together at night and swooped down on the surrounding hamlets, kidnapping the men and sometimes holding them captive for days.

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