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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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David Harvey can't explain what value is. In his original lectures/book he totally fucks up the description. This leads him to start talking nonsense about "oxidizable money". Guy is a con artist, who gets his marks by flashing his academic credentials. Even though he's a geographer.


Britbongs love lying, of course.
That said, the "law of value" has long been abandoned in economics, and this was precisely Marx's point - that this idea of political economy didn't work and produced obvious stupidities, and those stupidities were playing out for no really good reason. Basically, he's arguing that what Adam Smith and Ricardo wrote couldn't really work for long, and that the base of the society in labor would collapse if it were not regulated. It should be made clear that classical liberalism did not have any philosophical belief that the state had no regulatory role in markets - it's quite the opposite, in that education and knowledge were expected to be the regulator of the market, and it would live and die by that. The really important takeaway from Marx isn't that "capitalism is philosophically doomed", but that many actors in this situation get fucked, including the proprietors and land-holders against finance and monopoly. That's basically what happened.

The situation today has little to do with capital as such. On the surface, it is maintained, but the commanding heights are monopolized and have far different incentives. Capital and profit are no longer motivators for anyone who matters, and this is what imperialism was already establishing in the late 19th century. Imperialism never worked as an economic proposal and didn't give the subjects anything, but it paid off interests with spoils who saw the imperial apparatus as more important than business itself, and sought to make it choke the world permanently. Far from imagining an ulterior moral imperative like profit or something productive, the imperialists would be happy to rule over a dumpster fire as long as the right people ruled and everyone else were their slaves. That leads to a very different settlement than the imagined struggle of classes - the class struggle would be won decisively, like it was by 1940.


all capitalist countries are imperialist im tired of moralists gracing us with their dogshit analysis every single day man


>all capitalist countries are imperialist
is burundi imperialist


The "imperial camp" today is not doing exactly what it did in the 19th century - but the victors of that time set the core values guiding moral and intellectual thought today, and insist 'nothing ever changes".

These things are not essences - they refer to a situation and a singular empire, not a sentiment.


his statements on oxidizing money were not presented as Marxist. He was just pointing out that many commodities expire (especially food and water) while money does not, giving a huge advantage to those who hold money in an economy with a low rate of inflation.


most of porky's capital isn't money capital though


To marx, all Value is stored as money
Money-capital is just money that reaps a surplus from direct investment (M-M+), i.e. bank loans. Money-capitalists or bankers are a specific type of capitalist, while industrial capitalists (the only revolutionary capitalists, as opposed to bankers, landlords and merchants) engage in M-C-M+ and thus create capital by investment in means of production and labour.


> Capital and profit are no longer motivators for anyone who matters, and this is what imperialism was already establishing in the late 19th century. Imperialism never worked as an economic proposal and didn't give the subjects anything, but it paid off interests with spoils who saw the imperial apparatus as more important than business itself, and sought to make it choke the world permanently. Far from imagining an ulterior moral imperative like profit or something productive, the imperialists would be happy to rule over a dumpster fire as long as the right people ruled and everyone else were their slaves. That leads to a very different settlement than the imagined struggle of classes - the class struggle would be won decisively, like it was by 1940.


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You are literally retarded you stinky fucking boneskin you scaly unlotioned fucking snow uyghur


South Korea should be in here btw, it's practically Japan 2 with the financial shit


What do the different rings mean?


Just income brackets. GDP is actually a good measure of stuff like this since it includes all the rents, debts, insurance and whatnot flowing into the core.


Note the lack of argument
Note the reliant on an empty meme and accusation
Note the typical cultish behavior


>who gets his marks by flashing his academic credentials.
Isnt he a geographer? His lack of economic education is quite obvious when you see his lectures.


Because it's fundamentally wrong and un-marxist. You ditch the production with it's mode dictating what a society does, substituting it with pseudo-moralism according to which the west imperializes the world because they're ontologically evil.


Again, note the lack of actual argument
>It's wrong and un-Marxist
Isn't a rebuttal
Please get offline


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Bitch, did you read anything after the first dot?


There's nothing marxist about talking of colonization when the whole world has already achieved a capitalist mode of production nor is simping for a country against another country just because they're poorer.


David Harvey is an economist, he calls himself a geographer because that's who employs him. Marxist economists get kicked out of economics departments, so they establish themselves in geography. There are lots of Marxist geographers, who are just economists that draw pretty maps of economic stuff from a Marxist lens.


a bad economist and an even worse marxist lol


read lenin retard

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