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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I would like to ask for some recommendations for educational materials about:

French revolution.

Decemberist revolt.

US civil war.

I would like to know more about the material reality that caused them, effects of these events, sides which participated in them, the skirmishes and battles etc. I would prefer if the recommendation is a book, but other things are fine too. I’m fine with materials that are in english and or russian languages.


Wow a new thread that asks information and knowledge instead of being hot reactionary garbange , what a wonderful surprise for leftypol!


how in depth?

mike duncans revolutions podcasts are easy to consume, fairly in depth, and decently researched


everything is fine, I would like to know as much as possible.


I'm not especially well read but:
Black Jacobins seems to give a good account of the French Revolution (since it's inseparable from the Haitian)
Haven't read it yet but an anon in /usapol/ recommended Battle Cry of Freedom for the US burgerkrieg.
I have read Foner's Reconstruction which deals with slavery before, during and after said war along with the different forms that Reconstruction took, highly recommend.


thank you! If anyone got more recs please post them!


The Spanish Constitution gave hope to enlightened Russians for building a just society in their Fatherland. So, if the Decembrists "awakened" Herzen, then the Decembrists themselves were "awakened" by the very boldness of Spanish democracy. In the opinion of some historians, the project of the Russian constitution by Prince Sergei Trubetskoy was partially based on the Spanish law of 1812. One of its main points is almost word-for-word taken from the Spanish version of the document: "The Russian people, free and independent, are not and cannot be the property of any person or family" - "Nación española es libre é independiente sin ser ni poder ser patrimonio de ninguna familia ó persona (The Spanish people are free and independent and do not belong to nor can belong to any family or person). The Spanish Revolution of 1820 added fuel to the fire, as during which military and liberal-minded segments of Spanish society managed to get Ferdinand VII to restore the "Constitution of the Cortes" of 1812. One of the Decembrist leaders, Pavel Pestel, literally dreamed of a Russian version of "pronunciamiento" (coup). He admitted that he believed in the realization of his plans, relying precisely on the example of the Spanish Revolution. The Decembrists often compared themselves to the leader of the Spanish revolutionaries, Rafael Riego. Many even believed that Sergei Muraviev-Apostol "resembled the Spanish hero closely and accurately." So, the Spanish Revolution can be considered one of the factors that influenced the events of December 14, 1825. In fact, it was the Spanish Revolution, not the French one, as the Decembrists believed that Napoleon's conquests were doomed.


an interesting article about the luddite movement

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