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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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"Determined" by Robert Sapolsky challenges fundamental notions of human agency and free will, delving into the intricate web of causality that shapes human behavior. In this thought-provoking exploration, Sapolsky navigates the complex terrain of neuroscience, genetics, and psychology to argue that our actions are deeply rooted in biological and environmental influences, leaving little room for the traditional concept of free will.

Sapolsky's examination of determinism holds particular relevance to leftist thought, which often emphasizes systemic analysis and critiques of established power structures. By dismantling the notion of individual agency as traditionally understood, Sapolsky's work aligns with leftist critiques of neoliberalism and meritocracy, which often attribute social and economic inequalities to structural factors rather than personal responsibility.

Moreover, Sapolsky's emphasis on the role of luck and circumstance in shaping human outcomes resonates with leftist critiques of capitalism's inherent injustices and unequal distribution of opportunities. From a leftist perspective, Sapolsky's argument underscores the need for collective responsibility and societal interventions to address systemic inequalities and create a more equitable world.

Furthermore, Sapolsky's humane approach to grappling with the implications of determinism aligns with leftist values of compassion and solidarity. His advocacy for forgiveness and understanding in the face of moral dilemmas reflects a commitment to empathy and social justice, principles that are central to many leftist movements.

In conclusion, "Determined" offers a compelling exploration of free will that intersects with key themes and concerns of leftist thought, making it a relevant and thought-provoking read for those interested in understanding the complexities of human behavior within broader socio-political contexts.


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Sapolsky is kinda sus. His general approach seems reasonable but he tends to promote speculative and even debunked theories, and puts a lot of weight on the evo- part of evopsych, even as he acknowledges that genetic influences are heavily mediated by the environment. This might have something to do with him spending so much time studying baboons (relatively simple primates) and reading a lot of his experience into humans.

The lectures from one of his courses at Stanford, Human Behavioral Biology, is on youtube. It has millions of views.

Regardless, his contribution to the sociopolitical discussion of "free will" is a valuable countersignal to the crypto-christian moralism that is laser-focused on virtue ethics that ignores as much context as possible. We should be cautious to ground too much of that argument in scientific evidence, however, since science above all else is subject to revision and such revisions can render the counter-arguments untenable. It would be a much wiser strategic choice to ground such arguments instead in a philosophical basis and only the most well-supported scientific evidence, not bleeding edge research or fields in their infancy like neuroscience. That's less trendy and less likely to sell books, however, which is what Sapolsky like most people involved in the discourse are primarily concerned with.



You are taking yourself way too seriously man. What do you mean „we should“? You‘re on an anonymous imageboard.


>genetics are mediated by environment
>environment is affected by personal choices
>use minor amount of free will to act to change environment
>environment changes genetic expression
>gain more free will
nothin personnel, evopsychoids


>What do you mean „we should“?
Regarding the socialist response to hegemonic moral philosophy, what else?


Torrent for audiobook (m4b format, apple itunes).


Actually what you wrote is in line with the theory of human self-domestication, promoted by many evopsych types.

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