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And by contrast, unironically get along with, and would give their allegiance to, almost anyone as long as they aren't Taiwanese

>Europeans (Dutch and Spanish)

>Waishengren (Koxinga, KMT)


The reason Taiwanese Aboriginals today predominantly live in the highlands is that, when the Han Chinese settled Taiwan, they killed and expelled the ones in the lowlands. For hundreds of years, the Chinese in Taiwan killed Aboriginals. They even ate their flesh, believing it had medicinal properties: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%95%AA%E8%86%8F (use Google Translate). As you can imagine, this bred resentment among the Aboriginals, who therefore vote for the KMT against the Benshengren-dominated DPP.


Also why does this Ainu man look like a mixed Native American/Polynesiasn?


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some Taiwanese Aborigines weirdly look more caucasoid than typical east asians

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