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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Everyone tells me Penguin Classic's translation of all of Capital is the best around but what about the rest?

- Paris Manuscripts
- Germany Ideology
- Civil war in France
- Feuerbach
- Gotha
- Grundrisse
- Wage labor and capital



Get whatever tbh.


Just learn German


Not an anglo so learning german would be pretty hard for me.


>Not an anglo
what's your native language then, anon? maybe if you tell us that we can give you recs based on your native lang and then you can look for those editions. I always prefer to read in my native language, even if I'm pretty confident in my english.





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Don't get the Penguin editions of Capital
They have batshit book-length intros by random scholars pushing their own interpretations, the translations are unnecessarily pedantic and unreadable, and the print quality is awful even for Penguin Classics
They didn't even try with the third volume, where they pretty clearly used what look like photocopier scans for some reason, with triangular black splotches at the corners
Just get the International Publishers editions, or the Wordsworth edition of volumes 1 and 2


the first penguin volume has intro by Ernest Mandel whos economic writings were well received by Guevara but he polemicises against the value form critique pushed by Michael Heinrich and predecessors.


All three intros are Mandel who isn't some who lol. They are terrible photocopier prints with shit bindings though.


The value form critique didn't even exist lol, it has some origins in the work of Rubin from the USSR. Everyone before that (like the second international) believed value was created in production and realized on the market.

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