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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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What are the best books on Russian, Chinese and the failed German Revolution and East Germany.
Books about other communist revolutions and state establishments are also welcome.

I want to know everything that happened before and after those events occurred
I want to know how the conditions and reasons for revolution happened in the first place
I want to know what happened during the civil wars
I want to know what happened after they won or lost
I want to know what were the mistakes they made

Don't care how many books to get a full understanding but as long as they're credible and good it's fine by me. I prefer PDFs.


File: 1620738973277.jpg (624.03 KB, 1844x2348, Leninist Reading List 1.jpg)

Look at the section about the revolution. Fitzpatrick is a liberal though so be careful when reading her.


>Russian Revolution


>Russian Revolution




I'm really curious too, I've read plenty on the October Revolution but not as much on the Chinese, German, Cuban etc. ones. Hoping some anon can drop some PDFs




this is basicly the chinese Ten Days That Shook the World


Based as fuck, thank you anon


thank you!
if you find anything about other lesser known communist revolutions
drop them

we have to learn from the comrades of the past and their efforts


E.H. Carr's History of Soviet Russia in a lot of volumes. As it is very connected, he goes through the German revolution atempt as well


Nice to hear that


Fanshen is also pretty good, it focuses on a single village between 1945-7 (I think). There are plenty of interviews with the peasants and cadres. Hinton does a good job explaining the successes, excesses, and failures of various stages of the revolution.




The Prophet Armed, Deutscher

Very fun read, gives good context for the situation that led to the Russian Revolution, and also the immediate decisions that were made, and kind of gets into all of that stuff (it's a biography of Trotsky btw - he also did a biography on Lenin and Stalin).

Also: Twenty Years in Underground Russia: Memoirs of a Rank-and-File Bolshevik – Cecilia Bobrovskaya

I hear it's good, I havent read it and don't have a pdf.


Don't forget Trotsky's own History of the Russian Revolution. It's really, really fucking good. Each chapter is written as an in-the-moment narrative, then at the end of each chapter Trotsky gives a breakdown of all the theoretical lessons. The book perpetuates some myths about the revolution and especially Lenin's April Theses, but I don't care because it's just such a page turner. Definitely Trotsky's best work.


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