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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I'd like to understand just what the fucking US Military helped do to the island. According to the Wikipedia article, the man in picrel(Juan Bosch) was just a social democrat, but the fact that they couldn't even allow that when Europe already more or less had social democratic movements is something that speaks volumes.


Most likely they didn't want another Castro
Castro also presented himself as a democrat before switching over to the Soviet bloc and giving them Cuba.
Bosch was also apparently carrying out land reform which would have broken up the large landowning feudalist class, a class that the US empire finds easy compradors in. Same reason they moved against Allende.


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I doubt that a lot of books on the topic have been translated into English.
I've heard that pic related is pretty good. Author is Cuban residing in DR.


The US at that time was truly paranoid about socialdemocrats being fellow travelers, making a lot of heads roll for just plain domination.
Well, if you wanted to do some socialdemocracy the first thing in the table was to be anticommunist, declare it to the four winds and then you could work something, like Betancourt in Venezuela


>>11883 (me)
After watching it, those Dominican socdems have truly a their heart in the left, or maybe is just beacuse the 14 de Junio were fighting against a dictatorship

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