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Guy undergoes failed blood transfusion gets crazy hallucinations and starts murdering randos and wild animals in southern Britain


it's the bath salts man



it will eventually happen so many console exclusives are being ported over to steam


2 more weeks bros


>caring about exclusivity deals when there’s the free option


File: 1667551207303.jpg (59.03 KB, 1066x769, bloodborne.jpg)

I love this game so much anons


Sony already ported Uncharted and is in the middle of porting The Last of Us both of which were pretty much Playstation's brand for decades. Bloodbourne doesn't stand a hope in hell of remaining exclusive the only question is how long it will take.


Emulation and modding are always an alternative


IMO there won't be a port of the old version but the remake will be multiplatform
i just hope they won't fuck with the aesthetics like the Demon Souls remake that completely changed some levels look and feel


How would a remake even work? Blood borne is beautiful and the graphics still stand just fine, like a mid 2010s AAA game like bf4. If one ever came out it wouldn’t be a huge change from the original in any meaningful way


im saying that you will wait 5 more years minimum for PC release :^)


Bloodborne is the ps4's Xenoblade X. It's never getting ported anytime soon.


It will get a remastered on the PS6 that will also come to PC


I want it now


OP here, I think Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne were fromsoftwares most important soulsborne titles: DS2 expanded massively on NG+, QoL features like fast travel, a central hub the player always has access to without the need of features like lord vessels, and play-style diversity; Bloodborne brought in the mechanics that would speed up the combat of souls-borne titles, build a framework for level artists to design interesting, but believable interconnected worlds and provided graphical optimizations to the havoc engine for the developers to massively improve the visuals of their future titles.


Sounds a little bit too realistic for my liking

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