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 No.25500[View All]

Isn't this lazy? Titties and ass with no face. Will the game have good gameplay and story to compensate?
70 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Exactly. I'd forgive it if the gameplay was good but it's some of the worst shit I've ever played.


At the same time, it is a visual cornucopi of soviet inspired sci fi

Not to mention that it doesn't really seem to be critical of communism at all based on what I've played so far. The beginning of the game is literally "look at all this cool shit that the soviet union made, now go nonlethally stop the guy whose trying to actively ruin it before it helps all of humanity fulfill its potential"

Compare to bioshock which from the very start is like "we had an idea and it failed tremendously"


>Not to mention that it doesn't really seem to be critical of communism at all based on what I've played so far. The beginning of the game is literally "look at all this cool shit that the soviet union made, now go nonlethally stop the guy whose trying to actively ruin it before it helps all of humanity fulfill its potential"s
That's cool.
I'm still curious if the ending sucks and they do the liberal "both sides bad" thing.


FUD. You play a dedicated, devout communist just going to manage a facility and everyone is doing completely fine and communism is winning and successful. You even get reminders to treat prisoners like people.


The message at the end of the game is that communism is utopian and will always fail while "showing" the liberal alternative as being preferable if not put on a pedestal. So no there's no "both sides" messaging. This game was what Call of Duty is for beating the America drum as a criticism of communism in general by berating everything and every aspect of communism; in other words this game is a liberal propaganda piece.


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>Ukraine wants Valve, Microsoft, and Sony to stop selling Atomic Heart in the country


In Bioshock you're also taught to treat the little sisters well and basically not be an asshole. I fear you have an inability to critically engage with art. If in a game you play a communist agent and the game reminds you to treat liberal political prisoners well with the consequence of it being that anti capitalists get off Scott free then what IS the game telling you?


>I fear you have an inability to critically engage with art.
And I fear you're talking about a game you haven't even played.
The game says "treat the prisoners well, at least they aren't nazis".


so I take it you disagree with >>26307 and their take on the ending?


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>want the ost for those remixes of old songs
>YouTube is now extremely thirsty


What surprised me the most in the story: mid-game reveal on communist plot to take over the world doesn't lead to any disscusion, unlike other secrets. Only one major character against it, everyone else thinks it's a right thing but must be done properly.


Just scrapped my KS-23 and realized I don't have the blueprint to make it again, 8/10 game


The bad ending is you find out that all the bad stuff was made up my a manipulating glove intelligence, you die and humanity does so too later. The good ending is you leave the USSR for an undetermined amount of time, crisis averted, and the collective 2.0 launch continues. Where did you get the "Communism inevitably fails" from.


he is probably a leftoid who sperged out when this fictional universe didn't align with his view of socialism and how perfect is supposedly would be.


I smell that they've cut the original game idea, judging by the title they've chosen - Atomic Heart - being an in-game reference to that plot to take over the world.


I haven't seen much of this game but it seems right up my alley. It kinda reminds me of Black Dynamite, willing to risk being cringe to execute some fun jokes more prudent works couldn't. Probably why reddit hates it so much.


They retconned that in the DLC before they got shutdown so that was clearly something 2k forced them to do.




Uh, I know the Ukraine govt is against the game, but the game has investments from the GEM group, which seems to be pro Ukraine. So I'd still pirate it (it's beyond my budget anyway) if you don't wanna accidentally fund NATO.


muh consumer politics


€60 to €100 plus analytics revenue per hour seems like it can buy a lot. Not sure how much goes to GEM tho.


whether u buy the game or not will decide the rus-ukr conflict!!!!!!!!


it will however decide whether you will get hilariously angry dms from libshit friends on steam tho


Nobody has political friends on any platform. Stop acting like those people exist in the real world, even online people don’t give a fuck what you buy.


>implying you need to be "political" to be a lib


Yeah here you go. All the evil shit the anarchists did in the main game was caused by the twins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJeLP9fXiAQ


so what's the verdict?


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Modern version of this. Replace zombie tits with Robo booba. It plays like a Soviet version of Bioshock infinite, bad open world with linear dungeons. It's not an imsim but a good creative shooter. The powers thing was a half baked addition.


Everything is political you fucking idiot. Stop tracing the decrepit rotting asshole of Thatcher for social views.


Played the first level or two and I got bored tbh. Gameplay feels kind of janky, just not interested. Plot isn't grasping either, the main draw is the aesthetics and you see all that in the intro. There's a lot of soybanter too between the main char and his sidekick. I did enjoy the upgrade machine being openly sexual/rapey though, that was amusing.


so the tl;dr is that the story is "soviets bad" and the gameplay is just Bioshock Infinite?


It's "Soviets good actually"


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>Soviet system good. Soviet bureacracy bad. Your boss wanting to build hivemind robo communism good. The purged dissiden liberals lie and will betray you.
That's the entire plot of the game.
Unless you like a more polished version of early 2000s slavjanks, you would hate it. It reminded me a lot of Singularity. Especialy with the slideshow style endings.


So can someone see tell me what was the purpose of the naked robo women?


Is it not self evident


Not really. I mean is it really just "sexy robot marketing tactic"? Because it seems so stupid that my logic brain tells me it cannot be that simple or stupid.


people cant be horny, it must be marketing


endings are literally bad ending and bad ending, truly a soviet game


Played this with my friends for 4-5 hours, the start was nice and the environments are cool, but my fucking god, I can't believe nobody else has mentioned how insufferable the main character is, it's literally like Bulletstorm but non ironic, he talks to people like he has learning difficulties.

Also, the fact that everyone has an American accent is obnoxious, you don't have to go full Metro and have everyone with stereotypical Slav accents but if you're not going to do that then at least some nice and clean Britishy accents like Chernobyl or similar.

Overall the game was ok, not great not terrible, it also crashed during loading in one place (multiple reloads) and needed to reload from earlier save, and another time it soft locked during loading and needed to restart. We also got stuck on terrain and died to enemies/needed to reload a few times.

Overall, fairly bizarre design decisions.


Russian voice acting and sub are the way to go. For "immersion" and for the sake of ones nerves.


I think I would have to do that if I played alone yeah, I prefer a good sounding dub but what can you do.


watching the VoDs of Moist Critical playing it, I think I might play if there's ever a mod that reworks the dialogue around having a silent protagonist, and just making the game less wordy in general, since it kinda babies you out of piecing the lore together yourself. Unless you have a very good reason for it protagonists shouldn't speak outside of cutscenes. They should've done the Portal thing and just let the glove do the talking.


>Soviet system good. Soviet bureacracy bad. Your boss wanting to build hivemind robo communism good. The purged dissiden liberals lie and will betray you.

That's Russian outlook on USSR, basically. It's very Stalkerish in a sense - a tragedy of an utopia rather than a deranged horror story of a hellhole being deceitfully presented as an utopia as was Bioshock. Also, boss was hiding things from you because he was either afraid to tell or it was for the better good (just how doctors won't tell their patients some things)


I did russian voice acting + english subs (as my russian is only basic), it is bearable that way and at least you can pick up on some of the wordplay that you'd miss otherwise since the translation is kinda tragic


Can't afford it anyway lmao, I pirated it

Twas Dev build so janky af, but was still decent


Bros, it's so fucking over


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oh god this is so cringe


The heart is still red.


i dont like this


Did y'all get fucking baited by one Ukrainian shitpost?

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