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Huh would you look at that


>let's make a smash clone with worse physics, metaprogression, and no servers in asia


I tried playing this and I could never tell what the fuck was going on on-screen. Why do games have to be so fast and busy nowadays?

t. old


That's normal in the Genre of these platform fighters. Reminder that standard Smash Brothers is 4 fighters all against all, bonus items (with effects that can stack on top of each other and some items are support characters with their own AI) and interactive stages with hazards and moving platforms you can accidentally fall through if you duck the wrong way. It's the kind of game idea that I would reject at the paper-doodle stage of planning. I'm playing Smash and what can I say: My instincts are right! At least I have the option to play in less chaotic configurations.


It’s not the speed that’s the issue all fighting games are naturally fast paced at a high level it’s the VFx. I complained about this a while ago but generally speaking the VFx in this game when compared to games like smash, Brawlhalla, and fraymakers is overdone to the point where it’s hard to figure out what’s going on especially in duos


a lot of 2d fighters have a ton of screen clutter


Most of that clutter is easy to ignore. Smash in the standard configuration would be hard to follow even if it had abstract minimal graphics because you would need to have six independently moving eyeballs for that.


Wha tha


TLDR multiversus launched with less legends, maps, worse physics, less map diversity, gamemodes and a missing campaign
Game flopped shortly after its launch because of that and also server stability issues

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