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This was an experience for me after playing 2. this entry by far the weirdest one being its considerably easier even on harder difficulties most notably guerilla mode due to how easily exploitable the game is, similar to what Bethesda and obsidian did with fallouts difficulty curve. In far cry 2 on infamous difficulty you kind of have to know how to get around without a map to guide you since enemies do just spawn in cars or isolated on roadways and not paying attention to where your going could easily get you killed immediately, this can’t be said for 6 beyond enemy spawn placements and even then
<I’m guessing due to the engine switch this was actually a preformance issue due to script lag on top of new graphics
The ai of far cry 6 was drastically nerfed thanks impart to the whole detection meter thing 3 introduced on top of enemies in general not having the same level of mobility, sense of self preservation and resourcefulness they have in 2. Another major thing is resource management in 2, I actually didn’t have a problem with being constantly low on ammo on infamous as I already got somewhat decent at the game after beating it on hardcore which made running out of ammo for poor sim frequent but not impossible to get over with good positioning. This just doesn’t matter at all in guerrilla mode because Ubisoft gave the player way too many guns and gadgets they can carry at any given time to the point where I felt like I was playing doom at times due to how little thought I could give towards stealth in favour of just rushing through outposts. What a difference in time and game design


sure, but lookit them grayphics

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