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>3rd person bodycams
>locomotion based animations
>procedural animations based off the above parameters
>active ragdolls physics for enemy’s upon being collision with objects having a lot of momentum
>diegetic user interfaces seen in games like far cry 2 and dead space
>dynamic and minimalistic 2d user interfaces for accessibility
>destruction physics for randomly placed objects and infrastructure
>enemies/allies as factionized NPCs players had the option to side with seen in classical rpgs to today
>interaction animations seen in games like rdr2 and again far cry 2
>water physics
>LOD’s for rendering at high distances
>volumetric clouds over skyboxes
>dynamic foliage(grass and plants that fold and burn, trees that break or bend in response to winds)
>weather systems

Keep adding to this list


Weird ass list. Some of those are like physic sim things that make the game more realistic. Some of those are just basic performance tricks.
I guess specifically LODs is the weirdest to me to include.

I'll add blending ragdoll with animation. Like you can have an animation and blend just a degree of physics sim with the animation.

Kinda covered by "procedural animation" but inverse kinematics. This applies from everything like foot placement to the complex.


This guy is doing some pretty impressive stuff with IK.


>combinging softbody with hardbody sims for cars


We can just say softbody sims in general too. Don't think you listed that. Clothing hair and etc.


Most immersive game I've playes was Zelda Breath of the Wild. Maybe only cause I love animals and birdwatching and shit.


PBR Physical based rendering is a big one. That's a broad subject. Now raytracing and before that prebaked simulated raytracing.


Future is going to be AI animation, but I remember the problem with this is that the datasets end up being like 100s of GBs.


NaturalMotion was the future, unfortunately the future is cancelled


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I started programed a script that could dynamically calculate the center of mass of a character at any point in an animation(which is trivial) but I'm too dumb to take it to the kind of IK and etc. to make it useful. I dunno if any other IK systems are taking that into account.


Because the tech for that is controlled by a small company that doesn’t have the money to survive without lending it to major studios like rockstar for millions. That’s why that studio has had some of the most consistently immersive games


Lightswitches, urinals, pissing off passerbys


Hook this shit up to toribash


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LOD is kind of a weird inclusion sure but on that one, Breath of the Wild (and some other games) take LOD to its logical conclusion by using flat texture representations called "impostors" for very distant objects. This lets you render far LODs with as few as 1 polygon each and with very small texture files.


The future of animation will probably be using AI to train your models to animate and then "rendering" those animations into a "baked" version that the game actually uses. Not unlike how they used to do with baked-in lighting before we had the tech to run dynamic lights on the fly.


>interaction animations seen in games like rdr2 and again far cry 2
This varies from context to context. As a player you interact with game by clicking a button, then having to wait for your character to carry out an animation you have no input in can take you out if it.


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the shit i gotta listen to on this goddamn board……… .. .. . . . … .

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