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Do you like the series? Which one is your favorite? Did you enjoy RE4 Remake?


Only liked re7 because I found it genuinely scary


7 is on the scarier side. Kinda runs out of steam after the ship part. I always found RE to be creepy at best, nothing about it is that scary to me, I just love the gameplay and the characters. Some titles can get very intense and stressful, but if I want to get scared I'll probably play Silent Hill or Fatal Frame.


Of all of the ones I played I liked RE1's remake the most. Felt It struck a nice balance between horror and action. One or two zombies in a room are actually threatening due to how locations in the game are designed to be cramped for the most part, and crimson heads means that dealing with zombies doesn't stop at "shoot it until it falls for good" for the most part. Haven't played RE4R and I want to go through the original first before I eventually do.


RE1 Remake is in my top three, it's close to being a perfect game. Crazy how good it still looks, it's just a timeless classic.

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