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What are the issues that make their games end up so glaringly flawed? Is it Todd Howard sniffing his own farts too much, shitty workplace practices, general lack of competence among the staff and/or their parent Zenimax corporation's meddling? Or maybe it is something else?


It’s hard to say anything man. It’s been over a decade since they’ve released a tes game and half a decade since they’ve released a fallout title. Since then they’ve been publishing and helping smaller studios produce smaller but generally high quality games like red fall, doom, wolfenstien, and hi fi rush but the studio itself hasn’t made any major games with the exception of starfield and that’s it. I think it’s in a good spot because at least they’re making things people can enjoy and find a lot of depth in but it’s also unfortunate that nothing major has occured since fallout 76


Is Bethesda the official leftypol company or what? Why so many threads about it?


It’s literally just me dude. There’s plenty of threads not related to anything bethesda at all. Besides this one I didn’t post this


I have seen many threads about the games but not the studio, so I made this thread. But yeah, maybe it would be nice if TES threads were mostly merged into a general thread or something.
Yes, I would say they are mostly subsisting on their older releases right now because both TES VI and Starfield are not ready to "go gold", with TES VI probably being in a Half-Life 3-style development limbo where various prototypes, demos and assets are being made, but they do not even form an alpha development version. I also think the Skyrim Anniversary Edition release was likely their idea of giving a rather half-assed "consolation" to TES fans while simultaneously making even more money by selling them the same game but with a pack of paid mods included. Still, I think that most issues with their games nowadays can be chalked up to the decisions of whoever is involved in designing their gameplay and the lead writer Emil Pagliarulo, who apparently was a dungeon designer before being appointed to the then new position during Fallout 3's development and wrote that game's main quest with its daddy issues plot and BoS being good guys.


Flawed in what way? They set out to make casual action adventure games focused on exploring interesting, isolated set pieces in the form of dungeons and in that regard I'd say they do fantastically well. Trying to see them as anything more than that will lead to disappointment, as story elements will always be secondary to their primary design. If anything their flaws come from tacking on the vestiges of an experience and leveling system where it no longer fits. Perks and abilities should be bought from trainers or obtained as a reward from quests and exploration, rather than arbitrarily locking them behind character level and causing some playstyles (like mage) to be perpetually perk-starved and forcing every player to spend levels getting the same perks no matter the build (like with crafting).


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I play Oblivion with a mod called Ultimate Leveling that overhauls the XP system to revolve less around skill usage and other kind of grind and more around exploration, defeating enemies and completing quests and I got to say it indeed made the game play more smoothly than usual. Every level-up I can invest into pretty much any skill or attribute I want without having to change my equipment, grind magic or meticulously calculate the optimal level up scheme so that my attribute gains do not get gimped.


A lot of fallout 3 and new Vegas fans that have never touched 2d fallout in their lives and morroboomers have a tendency to not realize this and get mad over anything bethesda does while ignoring the fact that earlier titles did the same things and thrived with them similar to how fallout 4 and Skyrim thrive on their design today. Personally I’m just glad bethesdas still consistently working on and releasing original games both small and large considering how rare that is for a major studio outside of blizzard.

Like fuck activision is dry on anything not cod related, Ubisoft kind of stopped making anything after fc6 and legion due to the management issues related to skull and bones. EA right now is making one single player sequel with respawn. 343 just fucking killed halo and aren’t releasing anything. The only major studio(well more like AA) still cranking out small and large IPs are digital extremes, devolves digital and obsidian


Capcom is still making good AAA projects.


Its very simple OP, the reason is crunch and shitty labor practices

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