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Seriously the writers for the game could’ve given her way better circumstances for killing Joel. Like literally at the start of the game she has legitimate reasons to not shoot the guy considering he saved her life like several times which only partially erodes any inclination to kill along with the fact that upon meeting him she could’ve also just talked to him to understand wtf happened and decided to kill him based on Joel’s response or simply just leave which would make way more sense considering how violent both characters were in nature.

Like fuck I couldn’t be the only one to think how fucking idiot it is knowing the writers wanted players to sympathize with Abby and her reasons for killing Joel despite literally having their first experience with Abby be her having reasons not to kill joel


I never owned a playstation since 2. Any emulators for this shit yet?


It’s a ps4 game knucklehead you can’t play it on anything without giving your life savings to sony


I guess I won't play it then.


Sony's been porting their games to PC now, and I don't doubt tlou2 won't come eventually since they already did the first. The only game that won't come over is Bloodborne. Truly the PS4's Xenoblade X.


I think they’re doing this to get more gamers away from Microsoft since they’re looking to buy activision and if Sony provides gamers more opportunities to play once exclusively held games on other platforms gamers not associated with Xbox then Microsoft’s influence over Sony will deteriorate even with the exclusivity potential


>to get more gamers away from Microsoft
game devs could simply release their games on linux if they wanted to do this


Be realistic man not everyone knows how to operate that and not enough gamers know about it. Certainly not me, this is mostly something that’s going to influence casual audiences for gaming that are the most relevant to Sonys player base. More players in general playing Sony liscensed games, less Xbox players to give Microsoft more power to buy up more studios and make the PlayStation series suffer


youre stuck in 2010 if you genuinely believe that


And what arguments do you have that would explain why they would even bother just letting once exclusively held IPs to PCs just at a time where Microsoft is seen buying out major studios like Bethesda and Mojang and went on to announce a deal with activision


joel deserved to die so who cares


I'm not like a fan of these games at all but uh… at the end of the first game wasn't the guy Joel killed some nutjob who was killing the only people who were immune to the infection? Like do you think maybe you could research these people using any other methods that don't kill them and deprive you of the evidence you need to make a cure?

The way they killed him in game 2 kind of just seems like a/the writer had a bone to pick with the first game for some weird personal reason. Almost like when some teenager writes a fanfic and they pair up the characters they are shipping, but first the romantic rival dies a graphic and gratuitous death… I kind of see the point they supposedly were making but it feels pretty obscured by "LOOK AT MY OC VILLAIN CHARACTER SHE'S SO COOL AND EDGY"


Pretty sure Abby’s father(the guy you’re referring to as the nut job) we’re trying to find other means of ensuring the livelihoods of the immune patients. Yes most subjects being tested on did die during the process but at the time most of the fireflies also had conjectures in favour that as development continue a prototype or even a full vaccine could be created from a successful client.

Despite all of this you can actually blame the entire ordeal on the woman in the pic. Mainly because she didn’t bother clarifying the deaths occurring or even asking Ellie about how she felt about the situation, neither did she do this for joel. As a result of poor communication a lot of people died in the finale


>the writers wanted players to sympathize with Abby and her reasons for killing Joel
No, the writers just want you to experience her story and maybe sympathise a little with her general life. The true objective of the game is to show how Ellie becomes a monster that ultimately redeems herself but too late, so he loses everything.


yeah you fucking retard the main point of the game is how vain and destructive "revenge" is.
that is also why Ellie doesn't kill Abby. The game isn't about revenge, or revenge bad. The game is about the consequences of taking revenge. play the fucking game


I dunno I think revenge is justified against the guy responsible for dooming the world by killing all the people trying to find a cure for the thing that fucked up the entire planet all because he can't cope with loss.jpg

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