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This actually plays really well and the movement is fast paced enough to allow for cool plays without being so overly jumpy you get a slide spam fest like in mw19. What a pleasant game and I’m interested to see where the team goes with this….

Also it would be pretty funny if this ends up hampering activisions success with cod considering the circumstances for how this game came out


File: 1681508123749.jpg (143.03 KB, 1200x800, xdefiant.jpg)

Bruh it looks like puke.


A lot of games from major studios have been generally way more colourful. Fc6, re4s remake, elden ring looks like x defiant isn’t different

It used to be common for major games to have filters for their colour pallet I’m not sure what changed and I’m not sure how to feel about it


I am not talking about the abundance of color, which I actually welcome, but the lack of coherent art direction. The character designs barely make any sense, and even if it is just customization options being shown I would say that they are pretty atrocious. Even the more-or-less serious looking girl on the middle-right suffers from a mild case of Bloodpouch syndrome. Still, at least it is not the generic tacticool operator #6912 type of deal that R6S and CS:GO have going on, I give them that.


It wouldn’t look as weird if the art style was completely different man. But if it had better lighting and colour theory attached to set pieces it would also look a lot more boring. Personally I’m fine with it because players are gonna ruin the aesthetic with skins anyways


Looking at gameplay of this and I'm not seeing anything I wouldn't already get out of playing CoD. It's the same pit all these Halo/WoW/CoD "killers" fall into.


of course they are doing the corporate cartoonish futurism/cyberpunk
you know what would be funny? a AAA fps with obese /k/ommandos and schizophrenic domestic terrorists. now that would be an aesthetic

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