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Istill how the team managed to make the flying physics for dragons legitimately good in dragon flight but now I’m wondering why they didn’t fix the base movement. And by that I mean being able to keep the mouse hidden and move backwards without backpedaling, it wouldn’t be a huge change, I don’t think it would even require any new features. Just a tweak to make the base game play better…


world of warcraft should just get a sequel at this point called wow 2 and it's the same world and universe but you play as the bad guys this time so you can play as monster or demon races and it would give the game a great opportunity to create an alternate history and revamp the engine


There wouldn’t be a point. WOW has almost 2 decades worth of content and expansions. Any sequel would be crushed immediacy by the sheer scale of the game. Dragon flight was a sign that wow can modernize many of its mechanics and still appeal to its community and that’s what the team should be prioritizing at the moment considering it’s still ridiculous knowing years after release that turning still isn’t a movement option


there isn't a point to making expansions to the aging game to begin with. the game peaked with wrath and has been downhill ever since, with occasional good moments like mists and legion which had appeal mainly because it was more like an arcade game than an RPG


Eh idk anymore. I felt the same way but after re reading the story of warlords of Draenor and seeing both casual and hardcore perspectives on wow I think the game(well at least up until dragon flight launched) had way more issues with being too much of an rpg than anything. By that I mean the amount of progression systems and features overriding any interesting zones, levels and campaigns post WOTLK expansions offered with BFA for a lot of people being the last straw of this.

recently blizzard cut back on most of those mechanics and did something similar with d4. I wonder how their design philosophy for later content and games is gonna change because of this

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