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/games/ - Games

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Apparently during the development of games like half life 2, gta 4, far cry 2, la noire, the last of us 1 and 2, halo, well this list can keep going for games that pushed the technological limits of the tools available for developers to use and gamers to experience the teams behind them had one universal goal. Connect the player to the game world as much as possible. The reason for this was simplistic, by having games be generally more immersive and responsive to the players actions said players could directly play test new features developers implemented and help the studios they worked at understand what to do with the technologies available and produce the games that are made today.

This is why the UI and environment art for so many old games is noticeably minimalistic and for the case of UIs it was almost nonexistent compared to the constant tags and indicators seen on todays screens. Or why the physics were much more detailed before clashes would game designers would have them removed due to interrupting the handling of a game. Or even why developers stopped prioritizing adding a lot of detail to games upon realization that most players would never actually play long enough to see them. Pretty interesting


File: 1681807209193.jpg (197.53 KB, 1280x720, zolda.jpg)

The new zeldas also follow this mindset


Nah the only thing technologically new about the zelda titles on switch is the physics ported from pc games. Just cause did a lot more physics wise to create an interesting open world environment


>Or even why developers stopped prioritizing adding a lot of detail to games upon realization that most players would never actually play long enough to see them.
It really bugs me every time I beat a game on steam and see that less than 10%-20% of players got the achievement. Goes down to below 1% for most games above normal difficulty. It really seems like all that work is going to waste.


Believe me man. Most developers are aware that most of their players rarely ever finish their games. The ones that know what they’re doing provide veterans with NG+ content and appeal to them the most often since they’re the most likely to buy micro transactions and extra content wether that’s an expansion or new game entirely. It’s not that different with how most alcohol companies get most of their money off alcoholics or why blizzard had so much of WOWs content be dedicated to endgame shit only to then make levels buyable

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