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Metas emerge as players learn more about the game's mechanics, both through datamining game files and trial and error within the game itself. Once good practices are found, guides are made and continually iterated upon as the game (and its playerbase) evolves. A common complaint is that players feel pigeonholed into certain playstyles, because the fastest, easiest, or most effective way to play becomes the expected way to play, and the developers in turn cater to the players who follow the meta. It doesn't matter if a player in an MMO can easily clear the vast majority of content without a meta build, other players expect them to follow the meta and not doing so is considered bad etiquette in group content. This mostly comes down to risk aversion on the part of the other group members, as people are more willing to group with someone they know put in the time to get their character geared up and using the "right" build.

Metas aren't restricted to character builds either; there are guides for leveling efficiently or gaming mechanics for the best possible rewards. In the former case you have old-school MMOs like Everquest or Final Fantasy XI where they're essentially solved games and it would be difficult to find anyone willing to just explore the world, since farming mobs in one spot for hours at a time with a group will always be the most efficient way to play.

Back to the question in the title, if you wanted to encourage more playstyles how would you go about it? Some games (or players acting on their own accord) do it by reframing the game, adding in rules like hardcore/ironman modes in WoW or Runescape. It keeps things fresh for a time, but even those have extensive guides now aimed at minimizing effort and risk and maximizing rewards.


You can also just not bloat a game with endless systems that make it hyper exploitable to begin with and just you know, balance the systems that do exist in them.


meta was the single unifying force behind what made brood war a timeless top-of-the-list esport for over a decade


I can think of three ways of "naturally" balancing out the concept of a gameplay meta
1. extremely good balance that makes everything situational and creates places for all the possible strategies
2. a small enough set of choices so as to reduce the distance between meta and off-meta configurations
3. a big enough (massive) set of choices and exploitable mechanics so that the established meta is always a step behind emergent gameplay and creativity
1 and 2 are easy to understand, good balance so there are no "wrong" choices, and not having that many choices in the first place. the only game that I can think of that has successfully implemented 3 is the dominions saga and some single player roguelikes


You could add more randomness to the environment and enemies.
That way a meta build would need to be more diverse, as to facilitate multiple potential playstyles.


One thing that MMORPG games do that encourages meta is ghettoize its gameplay, so the players at one time have to be only focused on doing one task, which means naturally, they are going to optimalise towards it. Leveling, PvE, dueling, large scale PvP, each exist separated from each other, so player never has to make tradeoffs between what they want to be good at at the expense of something else, they just switch to whatever build gives biggest numbers in specific situation.

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