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Post-Apocalyptic retro-futuristic cyberpunk/western hybrid game about being a bounty hunter. Basically the Mandalorian but cyberpunk.

Anyone else looking forward to this? Is this the next Cyberpunk 2077 but with (hopefully) a better release?


Haven't watched or played anything referenced here


it is weird how the cyberpunk aesthetic has shifted from "green" (cool colors, low-poly models) to "orange" (warm colors, cartoonish models). this orange cyberpunk feels like a parody tbh


Looks like a mixture of EYE Divine Cybermancy and Cowboy Bebop.
To be honest, by this point the genre has been pretty much reduced to a package of aesthetics and tropes for more conventional sci-fi works to parody and adopt. Straightforward and truly dystopian cyberpunk that primarily focuses the themes of alienation and social inequality wrought by a new wave of rapid capitalist industrialization is pretty rare nowadays.


>Straightforward and truly dystopian cyberpunk that primarily focuses the themes of alienation and social inequality wrought by a new wave of rapid capitalist industrialization is pretty rare nowadays.
Cause it hits too close to home



>it is weird how the cyberpunk aesthetic has shifted from "green" (cool colors, low-poly models) to "orange" (warm colors, cartoonish models). this orange cyberpunk feels like a parody tbh

green/blue (2000s/90s 'the matrix') and orange = 2010s/2020s ex: bladerunner 2049


I think they're trying to split the difference between fallout new vegas and cyberpunk aesthetically


gameplay reveal trailer dropped

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