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Due to the lore most of the infected should ideally be bloaters due to how long the games take place in after the outbreak but based off demographics of the infected it’s obvious there’s way more runners and at times clickers than the fully blown mutated shamblers and bloaters running about indicating most of the infected are fresh victims, not casualties that got bit when the cordyceps started spreading for the first time. And that also means that in the timespan the last of us games actually take place in the spread of the fungi has actually gotten worse not weakened with time


Thats what makes fungal infections like mold suck so much. If with viruses and bacteria you just have to not get sneezed at or get infection from a surface, with fungus the spores start flying around everywhere and the more time you spend around near the source of the spores the more the risk you will get infected. This stuff also likes to not just get in your throat, but lungs too so you can also become a vector for it, exhaling and spitting wads of mold.
All in all, I would say fungus zombies are indeed not just a more chillingly realistic/case studied perspective, but also a harder one to manage due to the fungal spores' higher potency as an aerobic vector.


File: 1682786561422.mp4 (1.06 MB, 504x360, Femboy disease.mp4)


File: 1682839020334.png (970.05 KB, 1024x683, ClipboardImage.png)

Fungi just creep me out, like in Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead they're the only one that actively terraforms (mushroomforms) the playable area into a grey mycelium mat that converts the entire environment, and they actually infect the regular zombies to turn them into a mushroom form loyal to the fungoids that fight regular zombies.


>Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
Currently learning this game, maybe we should do a thread about it.


Augh. It's way too granular, I recommend Project Zomboid instead. Less content (but still a lot) but much better presentation and interface and so on.


LMAO, who knows. Good thing I don't fuck people and don't contract the STDs. You're a virgin aren't you Shay?


I'm afraid femboy disease is psychologically transmitted


I'll have to quaruntine I suppose from this femboy board.


Too late pal. You might as well stay with us now.


Project Zomboid is not wacko enough for me.
In CDDA I'm past the shitty interface now that I have some muscle memory to navigate the menus, there's just still a lot to learn so I keep dying but I'm getting better.


it's okay floor
i will protect you

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