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In Reggie’s autobiography, he talks about his time at Panda Express, and how he was excited to push the chain to compete against small family-run Chinese food restaurants. He left the company after they decided to pull back on expanding.
The book is a real eye-opener, because he just comes off as a vapid, asshole business guy who kept failing upwards until he lucked into working at Wii-era Nintendo and became famous on the internet because of e3 banter memes.
Anyway, the new Zelda has leaked onto the internet and it is incredibly easy to find and emulate.


nintendrone might be the most accurate console war insult, maybe the only one


Modern Sony fans aren't much better I'd say.


There's still Sony fans?


The ones that get mad when a former PS4 exclusive gets ported to PC, sure.


Treat loyalty! Treat loyalty!


I think the only group of gamers comparable to Nintendrones are EA fanboys.


Do they even exist? I thought they alienated pretty much everyone at this point except for the most casual of consumers.


I don't think there's actually any EA 'fans' but there are people who dutifully buy the the new FIFA/Madden/etc every single year


The casual consumer is the biggest demographic after all.


Paradox paypigs are worse.
Just checks the reviews and discussions on Steam when a new DLC comes out.


Stay mad.

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