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I understand that in real life modern wars are generally slow due to the time it takes to actually schedule, strategize, mobilize and actually give commands to troops before any actual time is spent fighting and also the time it takes to do all of that once each firefight ends but in arma it feels noticeably slow compared to the violence seen in wars like the Tigray thing and Ukraine. Are wars really that slow paced or does it really depend on the region?


All wars are slow, unless one side is getting absolutely destroyed. Nobody wants to take a random bullet, so both sides use shitloads of ammunition/time to avoid exposing themselves. So yes war is slow, usually. If you take the enemy by surprise then less so but that's pretty rare.


Depends on the region. There is a substantial lack of artillery in Arma 3.


Artillery usually makes combat even slower, tho.



We once had a PvP event with a couple of mortarmen on the opposing side, so not even real big boy artillery, and it was a horrible experience. My entire squad got wiped like 30 min into the game by a well placed drone coordinated mortar strike. I can't imagine what would have happened if we gave them "real" arty


irl what you have as a result of this is concrete bunkers burried deep underground connected by tunnels with the occasional breakthrough via superior artilery and mechanized pushes.


Assuming staff could afford that and were willing to blow the funds for it yeah


Immersive Ukraine simulation for western mercenaries. kek


Kinda real tho. ArmA 3 went out to create a combat environment we had not seen until Armenia vs Azerbaijan or Ukr vs Russia now and in hindsight they were on point


Of course they were. ArmA is a commercial version of a real combat sim that real soldiers play.

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