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Anyone else into games centered on political simulation? A fav of mine is The New Campaign Trail, which is focused on the campaign - the mods included on the website are the bread and butter. Recs are 1864, 1972d, and 1996Powell.
Can be played here: https://www.newcampaigntrail.com/campaign-trail/index.html
I've been trying to get into The Political Process but my eyes glaze over trying to parse it.


File: 1683982846994-0.png (Spoiler Image, 811.33 KB, 2915x1181, new campaign trail lincoln.png)

File: 1683982846994-1.png (Spoiler Image, 1.13 MB, 1658x1095, gus hall new campaign trai….png)

My results, pretty fun game


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>unrigs your election


Tried to win popular vote by running as a "moderate" Trump, but still failed.
Also, I wonder if it is even possible to win as Sanders in 2016 scenario.


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File: 1683989217141-1.png (165.3 KB, 954x535, ClipboardImage.png)

I was assuming you have to be moderate to win in the first place, at least that's how I did it here >27685
>I wonder if it is even possible to win as Sanders in 2016
Ill try that next. atm I'm struggling to beat Bush with Gore


Apparently Joe Biden pivoting mildly to the left would have cost him the election.


File: 1683999065716-0.png (150.4 KB, 966x495, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1683999065716-1.png (135.91 KB, 966x499, ClipboardImage.png)

>the good ending


How did you manage both?


I dont even know.. Gore took like 10 attempts and Bernie was 2 or 3. atm I can't repeat the Gore victory so it might've come down to campaigning in the right states at the right moments
For Gore I think I had Graham as VP, focused on flipping the midwest and south, simped hard for Clinton and attacked Bush while also trying to be moderate on domestic issues (pro-abortion, mix of tax cuts and increased social spending, pro-state rights on civil issues) and a bit of a war-hawk foreign policy wise.
For Bernie I had Klobuchar as VP, campaigned in the South (still lost all those states so idk if this is a good idea), shat on trump at every opportunity, pleaded for unity in the party, pushed for progressive policies without using bombastic language, was anti NAFTA/TPP, and shunned Obama


typo, you want to choose the option about reducing abortions as much as possible through education or whatever it was


Bear in mind that the stuff in the "main" window is from the original website, and some of it is of dubious quality.


Suzerain and democracy 4 is based


anyone here able to win as Nader?


When I tried my best I not only got less votes than IRL Nader, but also somehow secured clear victory for Al Gore by flipping Missouri and Arkansas blue.


That's what happened to me as well

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