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>the timeline has been reset three (3) times so far
This is getting ridiculous. Ed Boon seriously needs to learn about story roadmapping and pre-planning. Don't turn every game into an Ultimate Showdown of The Ultimate Destiny where there's no further room for anything, save that for the last one.


Agreed. Perhaps they plan to make like 5 timelines then mash them together into one supertimeline.


That's what happens when your franchise is built around characters killing each other. Then you realize fans want to play as the classic characters and have to think of the ways of not letting them stay dead.


Except the original MK timeline went through 7 main games without any of this shit.


The story was already retarded as fuck due to all the deaths, they just resorted to regular resurrections instead of multiverse type shit.


Story? I just want to kick my family members ass until they quit.


Finally someone understands mortal kombat

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