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File: 1684855964521.jpg (209.94 KB, 1920x1080, 2743606-3ds.jpg)


>Stop making games for your handheld
>Most of its online games are dead aside from Pokemon
>Discontinue it
>Kill the eshop so you can't buy games
>Only effective way to use it at this point is to hack it and pirate games
<A few months later spend time and resources to put out a "stability update" that prevents people from putting CFW on it if they don't already have it, making it a virtual brick unless you pay insane prices for physical copies from some guy on ebay that wants you to pay $60+ for nearly decade old pokemon games

What's even the point? I get porky wants to maximize the hecking profits but they're not making a single cent off the 3DS anymore. I doubt there's a significant amount of people who own a 3DS but don't want to get a Switch.


It's about sending a message and setting a legal precedent almost all the time.


File: 1684856375715.jpg (24.08 KB, 289x277, 1636919382460.jpg)

game corps remove denuvo after getting cracked, nintendo does the opposite


also they do this shit because they keep reselling old games on each new platform they release, currently the switch


>What's even the point? I get porky wants to maximize the hecking profits but they're not making a single cent off the 3DS anymore. I doubt there's a significant amount of people who own a 3DS but don't want to get a Switch.

It's so they can sell you the rerelease duh


I mean let's not forget that Microshaft tried to make it forbidden to play pre-owned games with the Xbox One but it was only overturned due to massive backlash, that's the dream model for the companies, they would love to move to a Steam-like model but one where your game library is reset every 5 years with a new console generation


The profits from the product itself is negligible in the long term. Moves like this make investors soy over how well protected their copyright is, which is the real money printer because investors are basically just gamblers with a bourgeois income to fake success as an investor.


i know theres no ethical consumption but god damn it feels good to be a pirate


I've seen people on twitter try and damage control this by going "Well Nintendo didn't ACTUALLY send a DMCA. Valve just took it off the store because they asked Nintendo and they said they would DMCA it!" At least you can just got to Dolphin's website and download it directly.


I mean TBH this is the most open and shut case ever, this isn't anywhere near as bad as when Nintendo sues people that create fan games and so on.


Or the other case where Nintendo Sued a Guy forcing him to pay 30% of his paycheck to Nintendo for the Rest of his life.


>few months later spend time and resources to put out a "stability update" that prevents people from putting CFW on it
This has already happened many times, it will get fixed in due time.
>making it a virtual brick unless you pay insane prices for physical copies from some guy on ebay that wants you to pay $60+ for nearly decade old pokemon games
There are R4 equivalents for the 3ds, you don't need CFW to do piracy. CFW is a better option but not the only one.


Just don't update your 3DS lol. I am glad that I hacked two of them and sold them off, fuck Nintendo.


I dont get all the complaining.
When i was a kid the games would get sold for a single year and then they werent available anymore with no internet to get them.
Now games are available for 15 years and people outrage about "i didnt get the game in the last 15 years, but i totally wanted to play it!"
You can still get used gamecopys on ebay.
Sounds like angry todlers. Just hack your device and get all the games for free


>Just hack your device
try using ur tiny lil brain and reread the thread


Mate, they're haute bourgeoisie, they want to control everything, They literally have ties to the yakuza.


>Valve just took it off the store because they asked Nintendo
I mean, that's actually true. It was clear from the get-go that Valve doesn't want to actually compete with Nintendo and this is just another case of them licking Nintendo's boot. They could've just warned the Dolphin team about the keys or something. Real dick move, from both of them.

<Thank you for bringing the announced offering of the Dolphin emulator on Valve’s Steam store to Nintendo’s attention

Fun fact: Valve has an anti-piracy policy on its forums. The Japanese yakuza would be very pleased to hear that.


A major problem with Valve is that they're spineless. They allow the publishers to commit all kinds of anti-consumer practices like adding Denuvo and are like: "Yep. This is normal." It all ties back to the capitalist profit maximizing logic. If they really cared about their customers we wouldn't have this.


the dengists of the gaming industry



I already can imagine Valve fans using Nintendo fans' trump card: "Valve is a small independent company, they would go out of business if they didn't do this." What's so funny is that they literally control almost the entirety of the Windows and GNU/Linux markets. If they did put the boot on this the publishers would've been forced to comply.


The case seems pretty open and shut as I said before, the primary purpose of Dolphin is to violate Nintendo's IP rights, I fail to see how Valve could have any defence in court where this would surely end up.


Emulation is protected under fair use. What the user uses the emulator for is not the business of the emulator's vendor. There are plenty of cases that made this clear: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_console_emulator#Legal_issues


I was talking about DRM, removal of negative reviews and other such cases. In this case they could have resolved this quietly so Nintendo's hitmen wouldn't target the dev team like it was with Gary Bowser.

Also, you're using Nintendo's warped understanding of copyright laws. The purpose of Dolphin isn't to violate Nintendo's intellectual "property" (emulators are just media players). The issue is the dev team's negligence regarding the private keys. Which they could have just not shipped.

The question is about the legality of emulators, not ROMs. Although emulators are definitely legal under the US law.

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