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File: 1684902750883.webm (3.64 MB, 400x711, doom cat.webm)


post in this thread if you ever lost girthy saves

i just lost a TEN HOUR long save from the game Dredge because of some bullshit bug it has. and that's a massive amt of hours considering i barely have any entertainment time :C. the game's spectacular though, i highly recommend it, but buy it from like a month from now when they fix this


Does dredge run good or is it an optimization mess


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i saved over my 30 hour smt iv run once


I lost my GTA saves several times when reinstalling Windows back when I was a kid. Everytime it was pretty sad since I was like half in through the story, like the flight school missions in San Andreas.


I lost 5 years of daily work by running the wrong program. Of course I am a massive autist and did not make backups
Thank you for this thread OP. I feel your pain. You are my spirit .webm


technically never completed chrono trigger because my computer burned out right before the final fight with Lavos.


When I was a kid I constantly saved over my parent's final fantasy saves when I was fucking around with a new game.
They must've had to restart ff7 like 5 times.


lmao cute. also how old is ff7? are you like a literal child?


ff7 is like 25 years old anon



I lost 40 hours on my 80+ hour Etrian Odyssey 4 save where I'd already beaten the game since I was an idiot and deleted my most recent backup by accident and the closest one before that was halfway through the game. I wouldn't mind replaying it to complete it again but fuck it if I'm going through Golden Lair again.


When I was a kid my brother overwrote my Black & White save where I was on the final level, which was probably 30-40 hours of playtime. In KOTOR 2 I got that Nar Shaddaa bug that softlocks the game, I didn't have any backups from before reaching the planet and got so pissed I didn't pick up the game again for another couple years. Recently in Kenshi I lost a save I'd put more than a hundred hours into because of a weird outpost assault bug that reliably crashed the game even after disabling mods and importing. I was basically done with the game so it wasn't too bad.


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>>27977 it runs well on my system, and i think it should run well on most systems, because the visual presentation is technically very simple, although very pretty artistically. i recommend that you get it even if ur pc only manages 30 fps or less, because it doesn't really require fast reaction times, & i was really enjoying my time until my save got yoinked (thanks obama)

>>27980 jesus christ, that sucks

RIP >>27978 RIP
RIP >>27979 RIP
RIP >>27981 RIP
RIP >>27986 RIP
RIP >>27991 RIP

demon demon demon
demon >>27982 demon
demon demon demon


When I am done playing a game I make a point to delete the save data. It helps remove any incentive to spend more time playing it when I could do something else, and it makes me feel like God deleting the universe and everything in it.

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