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/games/ - Games

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>Create a video game
>it's an RPG where you're basically a Lenin-type figure
>you're trying to lead a revolution
>the main quest is class struggle
>all the side quests and distractions are idpol and culture war nonsense, where you're trying to get people off that path and back onto the main questline
>this is the message of the game, as conveyed through its structure

good idea or bad idea?


Make it and we'll see


very cool concept,will live or die on the writing. No idea what the gameplay would be to teach that. Also any ideas for the art style or setting beyond it being a period of unrest.


good idea because thats how most brainlets think, that capitalism will cease to exist if the chosen one gets in charge


Cosmo D-style would be good for this type of story maybe


Back 2 Siberia plz.


It's a good idea. I'm not a gamer, what existing game to you visualize it looking like?


Whats the main mechanic? RPG means nothing


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Idpol was deified as well. Who even came up with this? What makes it impossible to look critically at these concepts?
You people will make a eschatology about everything.
I am post-left now.


dialogue and combat


Not revolutionary enough. Make one where you're a regular rank and file prole who's fighting in the streets and while they never have any epic historical moment that becomes an iconic photo, they still play an important role in the battles.

Sing for the unsung heroes.


>while they never have any epic historical moment that becomes an iconic photo, they still play an important role in the battles.
the godfather 1 game from the PS2 era is like this, basically you're a random thug working for the corleone family. you're the one going around intimidating shopkeepers and doing security detail.

also the movie jarhead comes to mind, where the main character is a soldier desperate to see combat, and when he finally does, he doesn't like it.


based and main quest pilled


here is a better idea, a programming game where you have to implement planned economies for different contexts


Could you describe one of you idpol/culture war side quests?
Also no Earthbound/Undertale inspired nonsense. Those RPGs are cancer.


Undertale is cancer because I thought it was 5ue same game as undertail, played it once, hated it, and didn't play underrail for years.


what's so bad about them


there's enough grand strategy simulators. those are boring to me. and too impersonal to make an impact on most people.


Cancer is probably too strong a word. I am just bored of them. They are tearjerkers that obviously resonate with a lot of people, but I personally got over it pretty quick. A revolutionary game (imo) should be inspiring instead.
Gameplay wise, I just find them to not have a lot of depth. But not every game has to be hard as balls. Just dying for something new.


Well it's fair enough if you don't like them I guess. They are pretty reliant on emotional jerking it's true.

You could make your game like Suzerain, I want more political games with a proper narrative on top of the management aspects.


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>Could you describe one of your idpol/culture war side quests?
well for example you would have an in-universe version of antisemitism, where people confuse a certain minority as being responsible for what the bourgeoisie do as a class, and you would get people off of that path and onto a more class conscious path.

Or you would tie various reformist anti-oppression struggles like women's liberation or tenant's rights or anti-police brutality struggles in with the main class struggle, while not downplaying their necessity as part of the broader class struggle.


grand strategy is just map painting, at most you manually manage very basic supply chains
I meant something like those games they use to teach kids programming but in this case you would be writing something like an AI for something vaguely resembling OpenTTD


interesting idea


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Shut the fuck up newfag.

If you think a post like this should be moved away then you have no idea what purpose /leftypol/ nor /siberia/ serve. It's in the fucking title. "Off-Topic". I thought the literacy levels hadn't quite dropped down to the level of not even being able to read the two biggest words on the page. 8 fucking letters. But you did it. You fucked that up and will bitch about it in threads forever more like the segregating ignorant cunt you are.

Grab up an archive site and look into what /leftypol/ has been, what made it rise, and what made it fall. It's biggest moments have been threads like this, people having ideas and exploring them with the board. There's a word for it. Fun. No, you fucking spastic, fun is not off-topic. Fun IS the topic. Fun is why people joined and fun is why people are leaving. Fun is why no-one fucking does anything these days. Raiding: dead. Memes: dead. New Multitude: dead. Getting shoutouts from e-celebs and theorists: dead. Media presense: dead. /pol/eague: dead. Making up stories for fun: dead. Parodying idiots without having to write \s after every sentence: dying.

Gentrification was a mistake. It was a mistake because it made you feel welcome. And it made you feel like you had the reason to tell an actual rare fun post that it wasn't welcome in your homogenous little shitscape.


What a joke to replace jewish bourgeoisie with german bourgeoisie and think things will change. Absolute state of reactionoids.


>I want more political games with a proper narrative on top of the management aspects.
That sounds good tbh. Even something with basic mechanics but with historical accuracy + good atmosphere + art could be pretty popular.


I like the idea of a shopkeeper or businessman game where youre forced to play as the bourgeoisie and it becomes obviously apparent that youre scamming the workers through taking surplus labor value

That's part 1

In part 2 you are the workers, using what you know to unionize and take over the factory by force.

Part 3 you join up with all the other workers and achieve a workers state after revolution like your op description

Etc all the way to communism. Literally lay it out visually so people understand and never forget the steps and reasons


based idea


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it could be like GTA V where you have 3 protagonists, a bourgeois officer in the military, a proletarian worker in a factory, and a peasant in the countryside, and you play as each of them, and they interact with each other in the main story, and you decide who survives at the end and who you keep playing as after the main questline is beaten. Basically if you choose the bourgeois guy, you get a Capitalist Restoration, if you choose the prole, you get a proletarian revolution, if you choose the peasant you get total societal breakdown and a revolutionary stalemate leading to a temporary regression in the mode of production.


This definitely isn't what OP had in mind, but it's somewhat on topic. I made a Minecraft mod where Stalin eats your grain with a comically large spoon. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/hungry-stalin


>Create a video game
Sounds like something a petit porky would say.


petit porkies hire other people to do that rather than doing it themselves

and some people make them for free rather than selling them


SuperTux and Mindustries is champagne socialism, really.


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so trve bestie. socialism is a vow of poverty and misery vntil the revolvtion happens!!


Put me in the character select menu.


I mean, when you think about it, union members are no better than the management! It's just red fascism.


Ironically I had the exact opposite idea, where you could only get the best end by completing all the side quests, thus ensuring class unity and solidarity.
Honestly I have a lot of political video game ideas.


>Honestly I have a lot of political video game ideas.
Share them!
(that is if you don't believe in "intellectual property")


Make it have character creation and mechanics similar to Disco Elysium and I'm sold.


>A revolutionary game (imo) should be inspiring instead.
So… like Undertale which has inspired dozens of games?


It's so easy to find cases where a political message dominates an artwork, such that it comes off as preachy propaganda. Compare with the openly socialist Accidental Death of an Anarchist where it is, independently of the obvious politics, entertaining and satirical!


cowardly gaymer take tbh


incredible shit taste lol

>I thought it was 5ue same game as undertail
why is a game to blame for you being retarded


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what if Sans was a Sans-Culotte?


I don't play video games, dummy.


>my name is bam and i enjoy watching propaganda
ok retard


who are you quoting video gamer


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You misunderstand my usage of the word "inspiring". I am talking about the emotion, not the process of how one thing influences another.
Ok, have fun playing the Fisher-Price of video games. Remember, square goes in square hole.


this epic snark doesnt work when you got hyped for the wrong game and then got mad because youre too stupid


Different poster. Snark stands.


Not even about subtext. In no way did I imply subtext, subtlety or beating around a proverbial bush. Stop pretending that I did.
It's literally just unenjoyable when the politics is poorly integrated, and the only people who will enjoy it are masturbating to ideas they already like, so it's preaching to the choir. Politically speaking, that's a waste of time.


nah its just a /v/ermin-tier take of "this game is for babies" actually


Lmao. Video games aren't a substitute for praxis.
Leftypoltards will do anything BUT organizing irl.


I am just insulting someone because they hurt my ego talking about my actually perfect video game tastes.
They are simple games with simple stories. Deal with it.


>Accidental Death of an Anarchist
u wot?


I'm not talking about video games either comrade. I said "art". It's a general argument that applies to media and communication.
>inb4 popular sharing of information is not praxis
r Manufacturing Consent


On second thought, scratch the "deal with it".
Comrade, I don't want to roll in the mud over video game tastes. I do not want to lose sight of the topic: using video games as propaganda for our cause. I would still be elated if Undertale: Communist Edition brought more into our cause.


>Leftypoltards will do anything BUT organizing irl.
most people will do anything but organizing IRL because they don't want a 2nd job, let's be real


Well I don't know that they're any good though.
Let's see, one idea was for a JRPG but set in the USA in the late 19th to early 20th centuries, big bad is a robber baron and your party consists of a former slave, a Native American, a Chinese railroad worker, and a Molly Maguire or some kind of labor activist or something.


I'll make the logo.


>Let's see, one idea was for a JRPG but set in the USA in the late 19th to early 20th centuries, big bad is a robber baron and your party consists of a former slave, a Native American, a Chinese railroad worker, and a Molly Maguire or some kind of labor activist or something.


>Let's see, one idea was for a JRPG but set in the USA in the late 19th to early 20th centuries, big bad is a robber baron and your party consists of a former slave, a Native American, a Chinese railroad worker, and a Molly Maguire or some kind of labor activist or something.
red dead redemption 2 is basically this. you live in what is basically a mixed race anarchist gang commune thing in the late 1800s.


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sounds pretty cool lads


free software is actually existing communism and the only problem with it is that it is often underfunded (but not always)


Maybe something like Arknights but without the fantasy stuff and the operators are proles of different jobs. Perhaps not a tower defense but like, some combat system where positioning is important.


A game where you're a combat medic during the revolution and the main gameplay loop is dragging comrades to safety and providing field medicine (doubles as educational game). At the end, after the revolution is won and probably next to the credits, you see a scrolling list of names of all the wounded soldiers you encountered, labeled based on whether they lived or died.


I'll pick the title :D


wow comrade gratis digital produce is underfunded???


it's not always gratis
what is a common thing is that dev offer consulting services, making the software itself a loss leader




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not a bad idea. probably text would be easiest way to pull it off. maybe painted illustrations
I've had some training in what to do if you arrive at a disaster scene like a car crash. one thing people tend to do is become confused and just wander off

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