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Anybody here play DayZ?

PC or console?

Could make a bunker base


Burnt myself out of it many years ago but would love to play a game with anons if there were a way without using steam.


I dind't know it was on consoles. Does the game have an objective? All gameplay I saw was like a neverending battle where you can explore and interact with people. That is good though.


The point of the game is to survive as long as possible. You can also kind of base build to have your own fort. Basically just a place to store your loot. Use it like a place to cook food or to set up a garden. You don't necessarily have to PvP but it's a resource scarce zombie apocalypse. So you have to arm yourself to survive. You can team up with strangers but randoms can't always be trusted.


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Could roleplay as a commune with a big farm for the lols and try to get friendly people to join


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Bonus points for these hats and red or black armbands


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Extremely bored so Im playing this again. best hiking sim on the market
im liking this ushanka/balaclava combo.


Why do tactical shooters like this get thousands of active players consistently? They have some of the shittiest level design I’ve ever seen and the open world design of games like Tarkov and stalker is irredeemably bad to the point where at times they genuinely make Ubisoft titles look like masterpieces in comparison.


I play, usually modded servers. I don't enjoy vanilla so much because it's usually three hours of running from house to house desperately searching for resources just to starve to death and have to start all over.


DayZ is less of a tactical shooter and more of a survival game.

But yeah, I kinda agree. It goes against every gamer instinct I have to go out of my way to get someplace just for there to be fuck all there and it end up being a massive waste of time.


I blame autism.


DayZ, the game that's perpetually in beta


It basically started the whole trash open-world battle royale genre.


It would be nice if they'd at least get their fucking vehicles working right


Shit take but survival focused games probably just aren't your cup of tea

Namalsk is probably the best designed modded map in the game imo

Git gud, the coast is only for meeting up with friends. Or if you're in a cannibal gang eating fresh spawns

The vehicles work well enough if you're in a low ping non laggy server

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