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debut gameplay trailer of witcher 3 turns 10 this day depending on your time zone. one of the most famous and influential rpgs of all time, now time to talk about your views on it in this thread, whether positive or negative


overrated imo


underrated gem


Might literally be the most overrated game in history.



Witcher 2 > Thronebreaker > Witcher 3 > Witcher 1


Witcher 3 > Thronebreaker > Witcher 1 > Witcher 2


Witcher 3 > Witcher 2 > Thronebreaker > Witcher 1


Witcher 3 > Thronebreaker > Witcher 2 > Witcher 1

Replay Value:

Witcher 2 > Thronebreaker > Witcher 3 > Witcher 1

Overall personal subjective general ranking:

Witcher 2 = Thronebreaker > Witcher 3 > Witcher 1


File: 1686504595309.jpg (118.22 KB, 960x834, geralt bath.jpg)

The most overrated underrated game there is. Interesting at times, but it is not an RPG as much as an open world hack and slash game with some branching stories here and there, though at least to this game's credit the quests and characters are myriads more interesting than Skyrim's even if the quests are often than not just as primitive here.


Interesting writing and characters go a long way.


That's why I didn't like Witcher 3, they didn't feel interesting to me. Just grimderp nonsense.


I think the side quests were well written in W3. Still in terms of atmosphere and story, W1 is my favorite one. Too bad the combat fucking sucks in it, not that 2 and 3's combat was amazing.


>start playing game
>get through tutorial bit
>le horseback dialogue from RDR
>see some villagers on the side of the road
>stop to help them because that's what heroes do plus maybe there's a sidequest
>literally can't interact with them at all
>zero depth beyond some preset animation loops
>they are literally just window dressing
instant uninstall


>Gameplay: Witcher 3 > everything else
And now you are just wrong. The gameplay is what sunk that game. Writing is decent, strory is ok, great soundtrack, but the gameplay is so dogshit - repetitive, overly simplistic, devoid of meaningful RPG mechanics, no sense of progression.

>I think the side quests were well written in W3
Pity they all boil down to Bethesda-tier follow the compass and make binary choice at the end.


That just means you've never played Witcher 1 or 2 then lol.

Witcher 1 is a weird turn based/live action eurojank mixture that is somehow even less interesting than Witcher 3's combat.

Witcher 2 is super consolized (you can't take potions mid battle, for instance) and yet has absurd difficulty for much of the early game since enemies do 600% more damage if they hit you in the back once and your initial rolling distance is pathetic meaning vs. crowds you have to cheat hard and use the environment to avoid getting gangraped.

Thronebreaker is genuinely fun CCG combat though but I ranked it below 3 since most people don't like card game combat.

But in any case just on story alone Witcher 2 all and nothing will ever top it.


>That just means you've never played Witcher 1 or 2 then lol.
In fact I did. Second one had better combat, but more importantly, I interpreted "gameplay" as not just combat, but overall gameplay experience. Sure, Witcher 1 combat is what it is, what can you even add about it, but you know what else? Well designed map, sense of progression, engaging quest with meaningful decisions.


I was bored to sleep playing Witcher 1. Witcher 2 has the greatest amount of cool and hard choices you can make. 3 didn't have good choices but at least 3 didn't bore me unlike 1.


Witcher 3 is the worst case of level scaling/level gating I have ever seen in a videogame. I genuinely dont get what were the designer thinking when they decided to make all equipment scale to the level, thus assuring you can never get a good item, just always average. Or enemy levels being completely unrelated to creature type, meaning you can easily defeat griffons and basilisks but get one shot by a drowner 30 levels above you.


Kek if level scaling pisses you off you should try Diablo 4. All enemies auto scale to your level and all your drops are always below your level and the only good items are legendary ones which have a 0.00001% drop rate that you need to farm 20 hours for each. At least with Witcher 3 you're given treasure maps to unlock the max tier witcher armor and you can easily find everything you need.

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