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/games/ - Games

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My game is about to come out! For those who don't know, Demolish or Die is like Red Faction: Guerilla meets Infamous, meets Ratchet & Clank, meets Zelda. I have improved it drastically since my reveal here (>>22346), in all aspects.

It's out in early access, but it's actually already finished. The release date (June 16) is for marketing reasons. I completely butchered the marketing, by the way. Really should've hired a marketing agency or something… Wish me luck!

Anyway, here it is in case you're interested: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2147890/Demolish_or_Die/


I have a question, how are the story and quests in this game? As in, is it linear, are there side missions?


Thank you! ❤
The story is linear, much like on Just Cause games. There are no side quests, but there are side activities (races, mayhem, and the Arena).


Congratulations - out of interest how long have you been working on the game?


DRM-free version on GOG/Humble/Itch? Not asking for the full source code, although the libre software community would be very thankful for your contribution.


I was the one who told you that marketing is as important as the game itself. Well I wishlisted it, the price is pretty good, so I'll get it next time I'm buying something on Steam, most likely during the summer sale.


Very cool, I'm proud of you.


>chihuahua was the only /leftypol/ anon to have ever made their own videogame
idk whether to be impressed or disappointed. impressappointed?


Holy guacamole what?
Very cool!


You of course won't make your own, little bitch.


Congratulations!! I wish you a successful launch o7
Do you know what you'll do after the game is released? Like, will you keep updating the game or start a new project?


i made several shit games in rpgmaker :)



proud of you chihuahuanon
you are credit to board


Buy a BMW and fuck escorts for the next few months.


Just bought it, and I have some feedback I would like to share:
Melee attack locks player in animation, and always goes to where the model (not the camera) is currently facing, so while spamming attack you literally cant turn, instead you have to stop, readjust yourself, and then attack again. Makes melee combat awkward.
Also, it would be nice to be able to melee attack while gliding, so I can for example latch onto the building and burst my way in full speed. The same for melee attacking under myself.
Let player look up more. Camera angle limit mean I cant latch myself on a building I am standing next to. And removing minimum distance limit for latching on surfaces.
There is no taking damage/low health feedback, so I dont know what my health is without staring at the health bar, often leading to dying out of nowhere because I didnt notice my health being low.
Rocket launcher self-damage is way too high, makes it very easy to kill yourself by blowing stuff up. And I want to blow stuff up, its fun.
When in weapon shop menu, add prompt telling me to click E to leave, during my first visit I had to desperately mash buttons to figure find out how to get out.
You get waaaay too much money. 10 minutes into the game and I already had more than I could spend.


And weapon upgrades happen way too fast, shotgon got into level 3 within 15 minuten.


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This is the most fun I had with this type of game since Saints Row 3.
Btw, am I supped to get access to rifle and revolver after all other weapons? I even found ammo upgrade for revolver, but still no revolver.


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And done. Except I never got to fight the Brain, or get into second tower, I just did all side activities and when his approval hit 0%, end-game sequence triggered, locking me out of second tower.


That sounds like a line from a rap song.


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>>28733 Thank you very much! ❤
I spent two whole ass years working on this game. The first couple of months my cousin worked with me. He made some 3D models and tested the game, while I did the rest.

>>28734 The game doesn't have DRM. I'd be ok with making a big portion of my code public, but I can't make the whole code of the game public, since it runs on the Unity engine, which is not open source.

>>28736 Thank you for wishlisting it! And yeah, I'm allergic to good advice.

>>28745 thank you a lot! ❤
I'll make one or two more updates fixing the remaining bugs and balancing the game a bit more (possibly adding a new side activity), and then I'll start making my next project.

Hey, thank you so much for buying my game and for the feedback!!! I also loved your screenshots!

Regarding the melee attack facing the direction of the character, I did it that way because that's the way it is on Ratchet & Clank, and it felt natural to me. But I guess you're probably the third or fourth person who found it awkward, so I guess I'll make an option to make the meelee attack face the direction the camera is facing.
I'll fix the other issues you mentioned.

I think you forgot to get the blueprints for the assault rifle and for the revolver, they're in military outposts (I outlined them in this image right here). If you visit the outposts you destroyed, you'll be able to collect the blueprints you didn't get.

Jesus, I forgot about this possibility, I'll fix this ASAP!



>The game doesn't have DRM
Would you add it on GOG/Humble/Itch then? It's kinda hard to find DRM-free games on Steam unless you're subbed to a curator. And you obviously need to be a Steam client user, you can't just download it from the the store's website.
>it runs on the Unity engine, which is not open source
Godot port some day in the future perhaps?


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"And when Kimo saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to demolish."


I'm back after some research.

> I'd be ok with making a big portion of my code public, but I can't make the whole code of the game public, since it runs on the Unity engine, which is not open source

Actually, publish everything. It still will technically be libre software, it will just be "trapped" because of requiring the proprietary game editor. Publish all the source code and your project file too.


It won't be libre software. There wouldn't be any practical way to exercise your four freedoms. It's useless.


How so? You can share, modify and distribute the game and its source code and make derivatives. How is it non-libre. It's made with a proprietary program, yes. But so is artwork made in Photoshop. Unless your source code has to have some proprietary blobs.


I'm not OP and this is kind of off topic, but my understanding is that in this case Unity is an integral part of the program, so any derivative software will have to use Unity too and because of this will be necessarily proprietary too. Even if the source code is available under a libre license, the actual software will never be libre, since it will be mixed with Unity. Plus if the source code was published under a copyleft license, it would be impossible to adhere to the license conditions because of Unity's proprietary license.


Hey, I fixed that issue with an update I released yesterday! You should be able to enter the second tower now.

Damn, did you literally destroy every single building in the game? That's really impressive! I'm really happy you liked the game enough to do that!

>Would you add it on GOG/Humble/Itch then?
Yes. It's very likely that I'll be releasing the game on less restrictive platforms.

>Godot port some day in the future perhaps?

Not likely. I have zero experience with Godot programming, and while converting certain assets from Unity to Godot can be very simple, converting an entire project is a massive amount of work. Not to mention that Unity is an order of magnitude more performant than Godot when it comes to physics, and it's extremely important that the destruction in Demolish or Die runs fast.

That being said, I'm really interested in learning Godot. There's a good chance that I'll make my next project with it, because of how restrictive Unity can be.



Did you change something about what happens after winning level 10 pursuit? As of today, I get teleported back to checkpoint after defeating giant robot, and the city reloads.


I did, because my pursuit system spaghetti code kinda breaks if you defeat the 10th level and the scene doesn't reload. Do you dislike this decision? I can revert this change if you'd prefer that.


I noticed pursuit bugs out and keeps resetting after defeating it one in same load. I just liked that you get opportunity to see the destruction you caused afterwards, and have giant robot wreck in the city.


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❤ Hey, mods, thank you so much for pinning my thread!!! ❤

And aw fuck, I forgot to say that I'm delaying the game to June 22 due to marketing and polish issues, I'm sorry. I was supposed to make a big marketing post on Leddit, but it's all messy right now.

Did you finish the second big state building? I'd love to know if you think that there are weird difficulty spikes in the game.


Did you get any youtubers or twitch streamers to play it for the people to see?


>I'd love to know if you think that there are weird difficulty spikes in the game.
Not really. In general I didnt find it hard. Enemies already do plenty damage and have enough health, but I feel dungeons in particular could use more of them. Arena is really fun because of how many enemies you have to fight at the same time, lots of projectiles flying around, pursuits and outposts can also get intense, but in dungeons the biggest obstacles was platforming. Especially during boss fights enemies spawning around would be nice, or giving them more projectiles to shoot, right now the only one I had problems with is the level 10 pursuit titan, cuz that one actually packs quite a firepower. Basically enhancing the bullet-hell aspect of the game.


Can you add steam cards/acheevos/etc?


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I sent it to a bunch of streamers, and I've seen one of them play it, IggyMaid (they're very cool!). I tried using keymailer to send keys to influencers and the press, and I don't know if I didn't understand how to use it effectively or if keymailer just sucks.

My plan right now is to make another good post on Leddit, since the last time it worked pretty well, and it was when the game looked awful. I'm preparing for this post by posting a bunch of dumb filler stuff on my account, because the gaming subreddit doesn't let you make a marketing post if more than 10% of posts in your account are marketing-related. TL;DR: I'm comically awful at marketing.

I think I'm gonna make a nintendo switch port or something, and for this port I'll try to get in contact with a publisher.

Thank you very much for the feedback!!! ❤❤❤
In the next update I'm adding the option to make melee attacks face the direction the camera is facing. I'm also making the Slowdown ability more polished, and making the last boss way harder by making it drop less health. It's the last boss after all, it's supposed to be harder than the wanted level 10 titan. The next update is almost finished.

I'll also incorporate your suggestion and make enemies get spawned in larger quantities in dungeons, but maybe not in the very next update.

Also, did you complete the second big state dungeon? I'd love to hear what you though about it!

I absolutely will. I just don't know if I'll be able to implement achievements and cards before the 1.0 release date (June 22), but I'll do my best.


less goooo


>Also, did you complete the second big state dungeon?
Yes. As I said, I would like if there was more enemies, and bosses could use more firepower and health. I dont even remeber other bosses in that dungeon other than final one, because fight with them took under 20 seconds.


Congrats mate! How can I support besides buying the game?


sorry, my brain is mush and I thought you were talking about the first dungeon and the cave dungeons. The boss fights used to be much harder, but then I watched the streamer IggyMaid play them, and they found it frustrating, so I reduced the difficulty. But seeing your feedback, it seems like I reduced the difficulty a bit too much.

That's outrageously nice of you!!!
I'd be eternally grateful if you dropped a review! Just don't do it if you have played very little, because the play time shows up on the review. But then again, only if you feel like it, it's ok if you don't. I'm already happy that you bought the game! ❤


>The boss fights used to be much harder, but then I watched the streamer IggyMaid play them, and they found it frustrating, so I reduced the difficulty. But seeing your feedback, it seems like I reduced the difficulty a bit too much.
Enemy attacks generally do lot of damage, so I certainly would not recommend upping that.


streamers are almost all terrible at videogames, they aren't a great standard


Maybe some other gaming subreddits? r/PCGaming, r/Games, or something more directly relevant to the game like r/GamePhysics, or r/JustCause.
Also make a thread on /siberia/ anouncing your game came out, I am guessing it has more visitors than /games/.


>>28848 ❤ thx for the f
>>28903 ❤ eedback
Hey, sorry for my annoying whining yesterday, that deletion really got me in a terrible mood. And I really do appreciate your support, you're the best!

r/PCGaming and r/Games are also very restrictive, like r/gaming, except with much less people, so I don't think my effort on these subreddits would be worth it right now. I'll probably post on r/PCGaming at some point, though.

r/GamePhysics is a pretty good fit, and I have posted there once, it worked well. I'm trying to make a second post, but there are some annoying technical issues with posting auto-playing videos there which I'm trying to figure out. I don't think r/JustCause allows non-Just Cause content, but I'll message the mods.

As for announcing my game on /siberia/, I think that'd be a bit too pushy and annoying, I don't know.


>As for announcing my game on /siberia/, I think that'd be a bit too pushy and annoying
Yeah, we wouldnt want to derail all the important conversations going on there. We are a small community, you are a well known local poster, make a post.
r/Games allows for self-advertising, and in r/PCGaming you just need to get verified first.


Could you make it available for linux? I'll probably throw you some bucks and a good review at some point anyways, but chihuahuas are still aztec food.


So. Is it like using some proprietary framework or something? Are you implying that most of the game can only be distributed in the binary form and the reverse engineering is forbidden?

Anyway, maybe someone can reimplement all the stuff on a different engine if you leave all the project files and copyleft all the source code that you can? Mapbe one can just rewrite all this stuff on a different engine like Godot. I mean, I think the project files can be considered the "source," we just don't have a libre and open-source reimplementation of Unity. But IN THEORY, ONE DAY IN THE FUTURE we'll get a cleanroom reimplementation of Unity and it'll be called Revolt or something.

I recommend the OP to ask FSF at [email protected]. Surely they can figure this one out.


Chihuahuanon said it's made in Unity >>28758
Unity is proprietary and closed-source but free to develop with until you make some threshold of income from it, then they demand license fees.

>Are you implying that most of the game can only be distributed in the binary form and the reverse engineering is forbidden?

If you develop a game in unity you yourself don't have access to this kind of thing. However, the system does support multiple platforms and you basically just select which one to export to. Idk if unity supports linux platforms though.


>Unity is proprietary and closed-source but free to develop with until you make some threshold of income from it, then they demand license fees
So you don't even have full rights for the game, great.

It's literally the worst licensing model. It's like they own all the copyright instead of you. Horrible, horrible license.


>>28940 found a non-annoying (???????) way to promote the game on /siberia/

>>29022 hey, I really hope you enjoy it in case you give it a try!!! And also thank you in case you do (❤❤❤❤❤). And it's ok, not all of us are highly sophisticated, muscular, square-jawed chihuahua enthusiasts

Regarding a Linux build: I'd be open to do it, but I need to make some updates for the windows version first (I need to add controller support, steam achievements and a new activity). It'd be a nightmare to make a Linux available before the game's fully updated, because this will mean that I'll have to play test both the windows version and the linux version before uploading each update, and that I'll have to upload two updates at once. And even if I'm incredibly muscular and gifted, especially in the genital region, I'm still only one guy.

>>29034 thx ❤

>>29035 true. which is one of the reasons why I want to use Godot for my next projects


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>capitalist proprietary videogame marketing
>stickied for months
what the fuck
who the hell thought this was a good idea to sticky. absolutely disgusting shilling, unfit for a so-called socialist website.


disregard now, fixed. thx

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