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/games/ - Games

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All video games must have the same UI now. There's a lot of western devs that think game design isn't about creating unique experiences, but about reaching the singularity of game design, the one true correct way to make a game. You see this every time a game doesn't follow the formula and they get mad.


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How did they managed to make a fantasy FPS look so boring? The screenshots make it seem overloaded with special effects, and holy fuck this UI design and font just does not really fit. Not even getting into character design here, its the most generic WRPG shit possible, but the magic bracer looks extremely uncomfortable to me.


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The Corporate Memphis of video game UIs.

I was kinda interested when they first showed it but when it was clear all the "spells" were all just glorified guns firing variations of magic missile I lost interest.


game UIs should use the host WM's look and feel. like that windows 95 strategy game where you and your opponent's bases are in separate windows and missiles literally fly between the windows. can't remember the name unfortunately


>game UIs should use the host WM's look and feel


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this but unironically


What would you change about it? I don't have a great aesthetic sense but it doesn't strike me as bad, just uninspired. It's reasonable to think a conventional, easily understood style would emerge the same way wasd-movement and escape/start menus have, being less about zeroing in on the one true game and more about using a risk-free, legible design to devote more development resources elsewhere.


The UI is important in games, you're looking at it the whole time you're playing.


>but when it was clear all the "spells" were all just glorified guns firing variations of magic missile I lost interest
that sounds fun thoever


It was Destiny who shitted all over gaming UI. Starfield menu looks good tho.

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