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File: 1687510174518.jpg (578.2 KB, 1280x720, ugly.jpg)


Thank fuck Nintendo never made an edgy "realistic" copy-cat of Ocarina/Twilight Princess Zelda again. That Wii U demo they showed decades ago looked like ass.


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I would love to see a modern Zelda game that is neither """"realistic""" nor has an ugly-ass cel shader for once.


I bet the next 3D zelda will have a hand drawn style. They will lean on Studio Ghibli hard, even more than today.


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bro fr?
you mean you don't want a heckin grizzled link dealing with PTSD and gray moral choices? lol smh my head, that's some cap. gimme that i'm-too-old-for-this-bullshit link who kills random civvies to show how edgy he is!!!


It's cool as long as link is still a hot twink and most of the NPCs are gaybait


Give me a Zelda game where the Geurdo have Twin Sons and they have to fight each other as one becomes Chieftain while the other stays with his Hylian father and becomes a knight is forced to face his brother in Combat as his twin brother becomes corrupted with power.


pretty sure a son can't be chieftain of the gerudo


Ganodorf was.


Those games weren’t even that edgy.
I feel like people forget all the goofy shit like Tingle in the N64/Gamecube era. I would be fine with a version that has dark overtones if it’s done right.


That’s kind of their whole deal. If a son is born to a Gerudo they are treated as royalty. However the only ever mentioned is Ganondorf so far.


my bad, I forgot that


Like what exactly?

Windwaker, especially the hd version – looks really good now a days.
While skyward sword age abit poorly.

Twilight princess is realistic and looks bad now.
But I'd say Majoras mask, which was also realistic (as much as they could at that time), aged weirdly well since the game was darker, which let obscured details and let the payer use their immagination.

>It's cool as long as link is still a hot twink and most of the NPCs are gaybait
>ugly-ass cel shader
Funny, reminds me of when Japanese teen girls wrote angry letters at nintendo when they revealed the wind waker.


>Funny, reminds me of when Japanese teen girls wrote angry letters at nintendo when they revealed the wind waker.

how come?

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