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What do you think of the Yakuza / Like A Dragon series? I love it!
Thread for everything Ryu Ga Gotoku


Seen Max0r's video on Yakuza 0 and really wanna give the series a try. Would it be good to start with 0 or should I start with another game?


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Yakuza 0 is the prequel (duh) and was my first entry in the series.
I loved it so much I played the Yakuza 1 remaster/make and felt it was way more dated and had a blander story.
I haven't played any of the Like a Dragon games, but they really went all the way with the JRPG elements. Yakuza felt so much like a JRPG with the sidequests and random encounters, all they had to do was add turn based combat.

But yea, I think Yakuza 0 is the best Yakuza game, and if you just wanted play one of them, that would be the one I'd pick.


I agree with the other anon, Yakuza 0 is a great starting point. Yakuza 0-6 are also altogether $35 on Steam and GOG right now so it's the perfect time to jump in.
The thing about the Yakuza series though is that you jump from a modern game to an outdated one if you play chronologically a few times. 0 sets the bar really high but the series doesn't really hit peaks like that for a while. 1 was a hasty remake, 2 uses the latest engine but has iffy combat, 3 is the oldest title and has poor combat, 4 is where the series starts to pick up again, 5 (for me personally) was amazing and up there with 0 and I'm currently on 6.
In terms of story, I feel all of the games are 8/10 or higher, cheesy plot twists be damned. They all made me feel emotional more than once per game.


Yakuza 7 is my favorite. The beat em up ones always bore me and I have to force myself to finish them, but so far every game had some characters I fucked with, so it didn't feel like a waste of time. One exception is the latest Like a Dragon: Ishin, real time combat felt less bad in it for some reason, though obviously I skipped a lot of side content, that would be too much for me.
I finished 0, Kiwami, Kiwami 2, 3, 4, 7 and Ishin.


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If I may ask, why did you not finish 6?
I've heard RGG studio switched to unreal engine which might've effected how the game felt, I know the dragon engine games had a weird sense of weight when it comes to movement.
As well, I've heard the spin off series Judgment has better combat with Lost Judgment being peak real time combat out of the whole series, which you might like.


>I've heard RGG studio switched to unreal engine
I mean in reference to Ishin


I havent played 5 or 6 yet.


I’m currently playing the OG Yakuza 1 on PCSX2, working just as intended, and the dub isn’t really that jarringly terrible.


The best thing about the dub is Mark Hamill. He doesn't voice Majima anymore sadly.


Finished Infinite Wealth. Good game.


without spoiler, how does it compare to other Takuza/like a dragon games? Did they improve on the turn based mechanics?


Yes, the combat is much more dynamic compared to 7. You can position yourself to get upclose damage bonuses/choose the best angles for your attacks, use combo attacks with the other party members. It only started to get old for me during the NG+.

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