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The game in some ways does feel like d2 or even like d1 in some moments. What matters for diablo, well really for blizzard in general, is a shift away from power creep and convoluted rpg progression.

Bethesda did this with oblivion and Skyrim and now blizzard is doing this with dragonflies reduced level cap and diablo 4s progression and combat mechanics. Things like 100+ level caps, damage in the millions being seen casually in endgame content for either games listed, enemy spam, and more are visibly gaining attention from the studio as legitimate problems to these games and I'm hopeful for where they go. Personally I hope they fix the awful crafting and profession system of wow to make gold a primary resource for crafting materials and just scrap professions all together since even hardcore players barely understand their purpose


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I dont care, even if blizzard resurrect Jesus christ i wouldnt give them my money or time, they enforce agressive monetization in all of their games, and are greedy as they come, they can all burn in hell.


Eh fair


and also sex pests


>buying diablo 4 to have a diablo 2 feeling when path of exile exist


With exception of annual sports games, this might be the stalest video game series ever. Havent evolved an inch in over 20 years. The same repetitive gameplay loop, the same repeating story, the same reoccurring characters. Its baffling to me how anyone gets excited about new Diablo title.


Did you forget what cod is?


Even Call of Duty has experienced all kinds of transformations over time even if its core gameplay is the same. Diablo just stays Diablo II with almost all the same character classes, enemy types, spells, weapons, quest types, overall gameplay mechanics etc. Imo, it's a monument to how complacent and stagnant Blizzard overall has become over the years of their leeching off WoW subscriptions.


It would be genuinely surprising if blizzard actually makes that much money off wow subscriptions with all the microtransactions in the game and also there other titles


What definitely is at least for me is despite this how hard they're still monetizing the game and blizzcon like they're completely shameless about it too to the extent that I can't tell if they're just being cunts to their fans for laughs or genuinely need the money to not get curbstomped by investors


At this point Activision Blizzard has barely anything to do with Blizzard of the old because most of the old timers left after the Activision purchase and remaining ones were slowly leaving as Activision's hold over the studio grew stronger, which eventually culminated in Metzen leaving Blizzard in 2016, which I suspect was because of a falling out with Activision's top management.
Whoever directs these games' development now does not care about designing enjoyable games and reaching out to their fanbase as much as they care about fulfilling corporate quotas and making sure they and their higher ups extract as much profits off the "live services" (how they call multiplayer games nowadays) as possible.


This genre always made me feel like a stick in the mud. I just get bored after a couple several hours of holding right-click to watch hordes of enemies die.


That's how I felt about Skyrim, poe, d2 and Morrowind

This is a symptom of the verticle progression tied to many rpgs especially hack and slash titles. You get boring combat with increasingly meaningless stats as the game progresses. Most normal games especially fps titles like far cry 2, hl2, ori, Rayman legends, rain world and many more have far more interesting gameplay because verticle sxaling is toned down to a level that the developers can focus on other aspects of gameplau


>monsters scale to your level

what a heap of fucking garbage


it just werks :^)


I was just about to comment something similar on Bethesdas garnage approach to dealing with power creep in their RPGs ahaha

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