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Did any of y'all buy any games during this steam summer sale? I wanna get something, but I have no idea what I want, and the sale is about to end. I think I want to buy something indie, since I usually pirate AAA games.


I grabbed Tyranny and Pillars of Eternity 2, they're both under 10 bucks right now.


Space engineers, Tooth and Nail, Sunblaze, and Ori & the Blind Forest. Think it was about 20 for all that. Also blew all my points on emotes since I have a few workshop entries that've accumulated them over the years.


Probably gonna get Far Cry 5 but TF2 key selling wasn't working when I tried so I'll try again in a few hours


I bought an rpgmaker game I had mild interest in for like a $1.24 and that was it. I have too many games in my library I haven't played to care about sales at this point.

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