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Babylon's Fall was done dirty.
Friday the 13th isn't anywhere near one of the worst NES games.


Dark souls 2


I liked it more than 3, tho 1 is still my favorite. I feel it got crapped on too much as well.


I got the impression that people hated Friday the 13th only because of that AVGN video, even though James Rolfe would say in a much later video he liked the atmosphere.

Nightmare on Elm Street is also a pretty solid platformer.


The Deadpool Game.
I’m a dork


Also the TMNT game on NES isn’t that bad


no more heroes 2


It doesn't get as much hate as it used to, but it used to get a lot of hate.


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Sable. Game is about parkour but it is janky as fuck. Still like it cause Moebius style


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Just three off the top of my head:
DX:IW - Hated the universal ammo and how less gritty it was compared to the original Deus Ex, but the lobster exosuit people are cool and I really loved the location design, especially Cairo. Fine to play through it at least once I guess.
Dead Space 3 - Stupid fucking love triangle plot tumor and much less suspenseful moments, but damn I really loved the gun crafting system and blasting necros to tiny bits with the stasis chaingun + rocket launcher combo. I just wish it was not a main series game tied to Isaac's story, then maybe it would make more sense and not kill the franchise.
Wolfenstein 2009 - Actually I have not much issues with this one. It feels a bit too COD-like at the beginning, but slowly it starts to turn into the usual Wolfenstein fare with a parallel dimension populated by floating crab things, Veil energy-infused supersoldiers, laser gun that fills the Venom chaingun's niche and fire-breathing Nazi skeletons. The final Hans Grosse fight sucks though.


Shadow dragon was my first fire emblem, I enjoyed it the first time I played it. I even thought that the batte animations looked good. But after playing the gba games I replayed shadow dragon and it’s just not that good of a remake.


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I though Sable was well liked tbh. It's just a different type of game.


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Final Fantasy XIII was done so dirty over its mediocre introduction and the first entry's choice of linear design. I still think both are the peak Active Time Battle games.


played the multiplayer with my friends a lot as a kid


Crash Bandicoot - TWoC
that said, it was my first and I understand why other people didn't enjoy it in comparison to the previous games

and if I say that, I have to say Twinsanity - it has a very mixed reputation. It's broken as fuck. Some levels are annoying as fuck because of it. Doesn't matter. And I'm a casual so it's not like some 'git gud only hard if ur a noob' bullshit, I'm saying those huge flaws aren't enough to devalue the game.


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More to an extent the series, especially years ago.

I won't defend the campaigns since I don't really care about single player campaigns, (stuggled to complete half life 1 for example since of boredom) – nor defend the yearly release, (which annoys me alot) – nor the shitty strategies done to milk as much money as possible, (loot create systems).
I'll say is that: alot of the multiplayers, and almost all the side modes (except one or two), were really fun, and are almost entirely an experience you can only have with cod.

Some games kinda covered that arcade shooting aspect, (not really), but many fail to immitate:
>Advanced movement
<Granted the genra is cursed.
<Titanfall2 could've succeeded if it wasn't released before battlefield, and titanfall3 is not happening for years.
<Splitgate could've worked if they added create-a-class, or anything that could spice up matches
<Not going to lie, I don't play that many tower defense games
>Survival (MW3)
>Extinction (ghosts)
>Dirty bomb (black ops cold war); battle royal, but it's 10 teams of 4, there's respawns so if you die you can instantly go back and fight enemies instead waiting 5-10m to fight an enemy in battle royal games (no joke, I found it physically painful to play apex because of that), a unique objective of collecting items to then plant at a bomb, etc.

It's interesting thinking back when people would get angry if games added features that are "cod like".
Like when doom 2016 multiplayer had create a class, people got angry at it for using ideas from cod – even though create a class is in many games, and allows many games to do well to this day, (I'd argue that create a class is 35-50% the reason why tf2 is still doing well compared to overwatch).


I wonder how much of the rep was worsened because of AVGN and Irate gamer.
I know avgn down the line admits to it being unfair to bash the games since they were made under a limit, but he still weird when he'd get really angry when a game was taking creative liberties.
Like with the back to the future game, this video is an interesting defense of the game:

Granted with avgn, (mostly in his recent reviews), he always came off as if he didn't want to like the game from the start.
Like in his Majoras mask review, he got angry when he forgot to pick up heart container from the boss and that he had to go back to get it, which was the weirdest critism I've ever seen from him, and one of the weirdest from anyone.


Interesting vid. I think I will give the game a try.


LJN published a lot of solid games. I love Jaws.


Double Dragon III: The Rosetta Stones. Yeah, it's pay to win, but I knew the pub owner :)

…plus 3 player co-op rules


>3 player co-op
Shouldn't it be titled Triple Dragon then? Jokes aside, besides having MTX it sounds like big fun.


that game was fun as fuck. one of the last ones I ever rented back when rental stores were still a thing. I was 12 back then.


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Cringe premise, but the gameplay is solid and the soundtrack is good enough that it is reused in the Rise of the Reds to great effect.



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