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/games/ - Games

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kids shouldn't play bideo games
but obviously this will never actually happen because it would destroy profits


How about them encroaching on theirs and your privacy, retard?


Meh, who cares.


retard alert


Restricting children from playing video games is a policy socialist states would adopt. Both content restrictions and time restrictions are needed. The specific implementation of these restrictions need careful consideration and I doubt this facial recognition thing will ever be implemented.


ok dengoid


cope/not an argument


what am i "coping" with you stupid channer




Your inability to retort to my argument.


There are simple devices that combine lock and timer that basically solve this (for parents). There are such jars big enough for gamepads, there are such thingies that cut off the electricity. There are even variants that take time tokens. The most important thing is that parents themselves follow through with that.
If all gaming happened in physical arcades, it would be very easy to regulate. There can be all sorts of regulations in place that on some days new games won't get released and online servers are inactive, but only big visible companies then follow those. Devices can have clocks and calendars built in to limit gaming time, but this can easily be circumvented. So such policy only protects people from unthinkingly slipping into bad behavior; they can overcome the restrictions with little effort if they want.


>If all gaming happened in physical arcades, it would be very easy to regulate. There can be all sorts of regulations in place that on some days new games won't get released and online servers are inactive, but only big visible companies then follow those. Devices can have clocks and calendars built in to limit gaming time, but this can easily be circumvented. So such policy only protects people from unthinkingly slipping into bad behavior; they can overcome the restrictions with little effort if they want.

This is why we need to bring back PC cafes and arcades. Also DnD should be promoted as proper socialist entertainment.


DnD is the worst tabletop game out there.


It's always about datamining you, not about saving kids.



Ah yes, clearly the people who thought collecting information on children and selling it are very concerned about protecting youth from violent videogames and not actual predators, and depraved profit seeking corporations that would want all that data in the first place


File: 1690784081007.jpg (308.6 KB, 1436x1500, 81P8eGLfGbL._AC_UL1500_.jpg)

Hello yes AI as you can see I'm forty


True, RuneQuest is objectively better.


It's all the same to me, tabletop nerd orgies.


Computer RPGs are to tabletop.ones are what masturbation is to sex. CRPGs are never going to have enough player agency and open-endedness to be on par with even D&D.


"think of the children" arguments are always about some slimy shit like that.


This has nothing to do with protecting kids at all and is simply a datamining scheme.

Whatever thing the government makes to "protect Kids" always has a sinister motive behind it. Mostly to make more profit andincrease the digital panopticon that we now live in. And I mean it's not like the parents can simply take away the games or password-protect it.

Seriously it's like these ideas are made to excuse bad parenting and have the government do the parent's job for them.


File: 1690829727841.mp4 (242.25 KB, 426x236, Cat At Door ( Meow ).mp4)

>puts cat up to camera
>takes 5 seconds of film
>reverses feed to make 10 seconds of seemless looping footage
>disconnects camera and replaces with device that plays that footage as though it were the camera feed
>give these out on halloween to kids with a note saying what it does and how to install it.


For many Americans, it is their federal governments responsibility to raise their kids in the literal sense. If you take into account the cost of living rising with inflation and other market factors along with the fact that most people don’t see pay increases each year that can accommodate for all that unless they switch jobs each year many parents never have the time to be with their children to raise them properly, many are stuck in low density, car centric suburbs where there’s barely anybody to take watch over their kids to protect them from car collisions and predators while they’re off working. Plenty of parents flat out abuse their kids in the USA considerably more than in most countries internationally because there’s barely anybody around to police them. As a result the federal government ends up taking the responsibility of providing most amenities, like healthcare, safety, education and now child rearing to most American families.


Normalize violence against people who make or buy spyware devices and destroying said devices.

Have you tried not playing DnD? There's never been a better time to play not-DnD.


I work in childcare are there are definetely parents who straight do not do anything resembling parenting besides basic material needs(if that) and just expect the world to parent there kids instead. Its honestly really fucked up. these are the parents that complain about there kid being groomed while sitting them in front of Ipad all day when they're home. They just straight up dont like their kids or at least interacting with them. Like why tf did these people even become parents in the first place. we literally had a dude who would show up early to pickup and then play nintendo switch in his truck until the very last minute that they wouldn't charge a late fee and thats a someone common trend at pickup time. All these "i would fucking kill and dismemmber an imaginary criminal of my own creation for my children" dipshits don't even love there children or if they do then there "love" is shitty and bad


>Like why tf did these people even become parents in the first place
They live their life following a script instead of doing what they want to do with themselves, and also they are misled by pro-natalist ideology about what having kids actually entails.


Simon beavouir talked about this in the second sex. It was after a section about how women feel about marriage. Basically how people feel about parenting is different from how they feel about marriage, there’s no instinctual urge to protect youth, but to protect DNA. This idea was also mentioned in another book called “Mother Nature is trying to kill you” by a biologist I wish I could remember. Anyways what ends up happening is that the sentiment people have towards parenting doesn’t change once they actually have kids instead of fetuses. If parenting really mattered to those people their disposition has to change not just their attitude. obviously there are cases of actual cunts that are selfish and don’t wanna put in the effort to raise kids, but as a general trend parental care and quality is generally a lot higher in countries that put a lot of resources into ensuring most parents have the time and money to be with their kids often - some parts of Japan have even managed to increase births per family substantially through this - or countries that have civilians exist in extended families like much of Africa, MENA and to a lesser extent India.


this is exactly why I'm not having kids, if you can't be fucked to give them the best quality of life then it's just selfish to reproduce. but as the others said, people have been indoctrinated that there's no other option. or they just want the benefits of being parents but are too lazy to do any work.

In fairness, parents nowadays are immersed in an incredibly sick world that makes it hard to be a good parent, but to be unfair, they are the ones that chose to bring kids into this world.

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