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I love it when video games have a free market of some kind. It’s really enjoyable to exploit the economy in some way and to watch it crash and burn after a few years.

Recently I tried to revisit some games I used to play, the game had a player based market system. In few years the entire economy was ruined and huge inflation happened where items grew in prices and newer players lost the ability to even participate since everything became overpriced and the stunted player base was not growing thus creating a rift between older player who have been playing for a long time and new player who either came back or just started and thus have nothing to offer the older players and thus cannot really participate in the economy in any meaningful way.

Do you enjoy having a free market in games?


It is kind of fun making money on game markets sometimes. I remember on Forza I made like $50m just buying and selling stuff on the auction house. In retrospect it was a total waste of time and I didn't even spend the money on anything but I enjoyed numbers going up.


It's mad fun. Too bad devs refuse to read marx so they can't replicate it in single player games.


Does anyone know good games with free market economy? I would really like to play something with free trade!


Honestly, Vicky 2 is the only one I can think of. Brief search on the internet also led me to Capitalism Labs, so you might give that one a try.


EVE Online


trials in tainted space


>Recently I tried to revisit some games I used to play, the game had a player based market system. In few years the entire economy was ruined and huge inflation happened where items grew in prices and newer players lost the ability to even participate since everything became overpriced and the stunted player base was not growing thus creating a rift between older player who have been playing for a long time and new player who either came back or just started and thus have nothing to offer the older players and thus cannot really participate in the economy in any meaningful way.

Black Desert had to make capitalism impossible for this very reason.


Something similar happened to Dwarf Fortress


the grand exchange in old school runescape was a money printer. I would just look up the most traded items and buy low/sell high and made more than enough to pay for premium


Warframe trading.


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thread revived successfully nyehehehehe


TiTS does not have a market economy. Stop trying to shove your obsessions down everyone's throats, you make us porn addicts look bad
CoC2 is better


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There was an exploit in tf2 a few years back where every crate opened (2 dollars) would have a 100% chance of unboxing an unusual hat
Usually those were starting at around 60 dollars and in some instances shot up to hundreds and thousands of dollars
They quickly went down to 20 and 10 dollars each after the exploit was known. But at the very least i made $400 profit before they patched it


Does TiTs have a free market in it? I don’t remember it having one.

Also good choice of games.


Free Cities is a porn game that has some sort of market from what I remember.


the shitty amazon MMO New World launched with a local auction house system where you had to travel to each town in order to interact with its AH, which shared no listings with other AHs; many resources only spawned in certain regions and you had a limited inventory carrying capacity, so there was always money to be made buying resources for cheap from gathering hub towns and transporting them to crafting hubs

this feature was of course "improved" in a couple months with a global AH where items magically appear wherever you buy them, completely homogenizing the economy and making it so you can teleport anywhere. huge increase in "quality of life"! fuck the mouth breathers that design and play these games today


heard the story, really funny how free market always ends up sabotaging or destroying an online game. I have yet to see a mmo that didn’t end up suffering due to unrestricted trade, even tough I personally find free market to be fun.


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One time I was playing on a minecraft server back in 2013, and the server had a lite economy, (you can buy stuff and sell, I don't remember if you could trade).
One day, I was walking through the jungle to get cocoa beans for a light farm, and I found a jungle temple. I lotted the temple, and then also mined up 3 64-stacks of mossy cobblestone. I ran out of space, so I thought it'd be nice to tell people in the server to check out the temple.
10 people teleported to me and started mining everything else, and I sold all the mossy cobblestone and bought a stack of diamonds with it, and after that moment mossy cobblestone went down by 50%, literally caused inflation babyyyyyy

The server, which was called "inspy", is gone. Admins got bored and blew up the whole world, and took it offline.

Hell yeah bro. Were you able to buy valve hardware like a vr headset?


Oh god free cities. I remember just cheating in that game cause of how boring the whole economy system felt to me. If I’m jerking off I want to focus on the porn not dealing with a stupid capitalist economy

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